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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Wynoochee River Report
Grays Harbor County, WA



41° - 45°
Float Fishing
Mostly Sunny
41° - 45°

Well it seems like forever that I have wet a line so as the new year started had a float trip scheduled on January 2nd but came down with the Christmas crud and was too sick to fish if you can imagine that! So re-booked it for today and was over anxious to get myself back into the game!

Now I am not too worried about posting this report for this river as it is no secret that it is on fire right now and that was evident when we showed up to meet our guide and there were probably 10 boats waiting to launch at 7am. He said not to worry as where we were going, not too many go that high and we shouldn't be too crowded.

After another cup of coffee and getting on our waders, Preston and I jumped into the rig and we were cruising up the road to the 7400 launch in anticipation of a epic day on the water! Plus the weather forecast for 100% of rain was botched by the weather man so we were fine with that!

Arrived at 8am to only see one other rig in the lot and a boat had just launched but had just one guy fishing who was throwing flies! We worked out way down through some slots throwing our floats and jigs without much action. On one bucket had a pretty good take down but didn't stick so as we approached a nice hole he said we were moving to pulling plugs. Set out 3 rods and started out slow row down through the hole~ felt nice to sit down for a bit but didn't last long as the middle rod had a vicious take down and it was FISH ON!!!

Did the Chinese fire drill getting the other 2 rods in without getting tangled as this fish was running straight back to the boat! Preston worked it in and after about a 5 minute battle got our 1st hatchery buck of the day! yea baby! So lets see if we can get another one out of this slot as since the fish ran up, didn't disturb what ever else lay lower.

We switch seats so now I am in the front and no sooner do we get all 3 rods back in, the middle rod goes off again!! FISH ON!! This one does the same thing and is smaller so takes about the same amount of time to bring in so now we each have 1 apiece and are thinking, can we really pull 3 fish from one hole? Why not us? as Russel
Wilson would say so switch seats again and set out the rods.

You guessed it! Wham!! Middle rod again gets buried and this one is a hawg!! Does the same thing and freight trains up right past the boat and runs upstream and then comes back right under it. We move over the bank so Preston can get out and do battle with the beast and after a long fight finally gets it succumb to the net!! A beautiful chrome hatchery hen pushing 14lbs easy!

So now we are wondering if we pull off the quadfecta! Yea I know it's not a word but couldn't find one in the dictionary! haha! So we row back out set out the lines to the same distance and half way through the drift a fourth glorious take down on yes, the same middle rod!!! I battle this bad boy for a while and after a few runs and jumps comes gliding to the side of the boat to get netted! 4 for 4 on one hole and all hatchery fish!!!

After a few more runs realized we had run our luck on this place and started moving down river to try and get the last 2 fish to complete our 3 man limit. Hit a few more fishy slots and buckets without a take so found another body of water that looked good for plugs and since these fish today seemed to be on the plug bite, set out the same set ups and wouldn't you know it, banged out 2 more fish and were done by 1pm!! 6 for 6 on the day without a lost fish even though 3 of the 6 came unbuttoned just as we put the net to them so were lucky in that sense!

Wow what a day!! but also realized we had about 12 miles of river to float to the take out so after some kodak moments, bathroom break and lunch started the long and glorious float back down river to the take out. We were blessed with just an absolutely beautiful afternoon boat ride and took in some nature sights and fellowship time before finally arriving back to the take out at about 4pm. Great way to start out my 2015 season and look forward to some more adventures soon!

See you on the water!


1/17/2015 7:31:00 PM
good job and nice fish
1/17/2015 7:49:00 PM
Dandy Barry! Looks like redemption for getting the ick at Christmas time. What a great way to start the 2015 season. - Alan

PS Did the salmon ball thing at Christmas using smoked salmon and smoked trout; what a hit - thanks for the tips.
1/17/2015 7:50:00 PM
Killer day Barry! Nice report and beautiful fish.
1/17/2015 8:42:00 PM
That's not Steelhead fishing, that's Steelhead catching! Sounds like a great day!
1/18/2015 8:05:00 AM
Thanks Barry for showing us how it is done!
1/18/2015 10:00:00 AM
Wow, I didnt think anyone on the westside had days like that, looks like a day on the Snake river, Congratulations!
1/18/2015 4:35:00 PM
Ah yes, it was the Hawks hat!
1/18/2015 5:00:00 PM
1/22/2015 12:22:00 AM
Wow! What an epic day of fishing. I loved your Seahawks references also, especially following Sunday's day of miracles!
Happy fishing!
Mike Carey
1/22/2015 9:53:00 PM
Barry, nice seeing you at the Show today. I forgot to mention, thanks for not mentioning the guide publicly. I really appreciate your class and respecting our site policy. Everyone, you can PM Barry for the guide info (if he's willing to share him, LOL!)
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709