6/1/2015 11:04:00 PMIncidently, I saw some dudes poaching yesterday at Hwy side, and they caught and took home a nice steelie. I didn't want any confrontation, so I left it alone.
Catch and release of kings sounds fun. Happy fishing!

6/2/2015 7:59:00 AMObi-jonKenobi: i was catching the Kings on dick nites with silver in them, hopefully they open Kings shortly. I might try the upper skagit or Cascade River this weekend to find some Kings I can keep, or maybe try the Sky again since I have seen one hopeful report recently added.
I am going to keep the poaching number on speed dial this year, I am getting real sick of not catching fish I can take home while tribes and poachers reep the benifits. I cant keep just 2 to 4 fish while others get to destroy our ecosystem.... something isnt right there.
On the optimistic side. Tight Lines and good luck fellow law abiding anglers!

6/2/2015 8:52:00 AM