8/26/2015 8:01:00 PMAnyhow, it really seems like its getting hot now. I will probably make my way down tomorrow and give it another shot. Perhaps I'll see you there! Good luck man!

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Took to the Duwi this morning. Tide on the way out so not ideal, but had a good go of it. Only had an hour before work, down at 112th. Landed 2, lost a few more. Then as I was leaving some guy walked up with his kid (I can only assume). First couple casts kid foul hooks one, brings it in side ways. Dad nets it. Kids pulls out his knife. That's when I say " really keeping snagged fish"? Dad sad "yep looks like it". I left, I didn't want to get into with somebody. Way to teach your kid ethics. People like you give the rest of us a bad wrap. I called it in but you know how that goes. Get em.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service