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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Pink Salmon

Fished my hole from 430 to 730. Tried dicknites. Nothing until I changed to a pink/white size 1. Next cast produced a nice 14-plus inch Rainbow that was promptly released. After that no luck. Switch over to my short 7' Ugly Stik Lite spinning rod to test my marabou jigs that I tied.

I'd been using my old Sensilite (Shimano circa 1996) composite graphite 8.5 ft rod in the Snohomish for those, but had no real luck, except for the one I got week back or so. Action is rather light medium....too soft a tip I think.

The Ugly Stik is of newer graphite material and bit more sensitive. Yeah baby....hooked and landed 2 darker bucks and lost another one. Had numerous bites, but missed. Rod is a bit short though to reach the far places.

I'm twitching a very fast rate, but with just the wrist. Hopping along the bottom. Gonna have to try the Snoho again for the brighter fish. I do want to get another rod....ideally 9.5 feet 1/8 to half ounce rating....fast action side of things. Saw couple big hooknose silvers jump right before dark.


9/6/2015 2:55:00 PM
Boy, it seems too early for silvers. I guess there could be a few who have bad calendars. Nice report.

John, I've tried every speed of jigging and think I found the best. It is very slow. If you are on the bank, it is like a short hop of 3-4 inches then let it rest on the bottom. No more than that. I've tried fast twitching and it is almost useless. Keeps me off the bottom. I'll take this if they want slow, but it moves me away from the logs.

I have no idea why but they seem to pick up the jig just off the bottom. I know they are all over the top splashing, but I've seen those fish rise, slap the top and immediately go straight down. My fish finder shows them at mid depth, but the biters are right near the bottom.

I sure can't read a pink's mind, but I'd say they have an urge to strike when the jig is near or on the bottom and not moving very fast. Often I can't even feel a pick up strike. There is just a slight weight. They don't hold the jig long. Pretty standard for all jig fishing that I've done. I set the hook on any resistance at all. Lose a lot to rocks and wood. Price to pay.

I've done well with any jig with pink. When the sun is out, purple and pink work best. I've been trying everything once I have a limit. They will bump a small pink wiggle wart, but none get hooked.

Right now the pinks can be very silver. Seen very few with much age or green color. Caught the largest pink for me just above Pilchuck. Filled the net like a nice silver. A bit too green so I let it go. Pound for pound, I think the pinks fight harder than silvers. I caught a 12# last year and it hardly fought. Sure was a beefy buck caught in early October.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709