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Chehalis River Report
Grays Harbor County, WA



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56° - 60°

Melanie and I fished Saturday and Sunday, I brought home a 6 lb. silver on Sunday, similar to the one Melanie caught on Wed. and pictured in that report (and misidentified by Jeeper 2586) Melanie caught this lovely chrome bright hen on Saturday. We caught and released 3 kings on Sunday, approx. 20, 25, and a real beautiful king of about 30 lbs. It took Melanie on a real tough series of runs, I had to fire up the engine to chase it down as it was beginning to spool her. Successful releasing all three with no bleeders and strong swimming away. Caught two kings and my silver on herring, 1 king and other silver on spinners. Tribal nets went in on noon, Sunday.
And for that uneducated guy (Jeeper2586) who called us out for keeping a "king" in my last Chehalis post, my silver on Sunday looked just like the one you misidentified, another male silver with a WHITE gumline. Oh, yeah, I'm STILL waiting for an apology (but I ain't holding my breath!) Bob R


9/28/2015 8:03:00 AM
Nice fish BobR. I plan on fishing the Chehalis this year in my sled. I will continue to watch for your post so I can be there at the right time. God luck waiting for that apology.
Bob R
9/28/2015 9:52:00 AM
#1 snatchinglips says:

September 28, 2015 08:03 AM

Quote"#1 snatchinglip "Nice fish BobR. I plan on fishing the Chehalis this year in my sled. I will continue to watch for your post so I can be there at the right time. God luck waiting for that apology. "

I'd hit it now, a good amount of fish are in the lower river, future fish depends on the size of the run, no one is sure about that. I wouldn't wait long, tribal nets are in and will prob. stay in until Friday. bob R
Bob R
9/28/2015 1:09:00 PM
It turns out he (jeeper2586) is just a troller who signed up just to drop a deuce on someone's report. This clown has ZERO reports. Bob R
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709