10/8/2015 7:27:00 AM
10/8/2015 8:59:00 AMI had my first time up at Doug Bar on Monday. The water is low and the silvers are all over showing off by jumping and swirling. I was surveying using high tide and it was way to clear a day. No fish and none of the other boats had fish. Nothing at mid day. This rain is going to help. Water flow is up a 100 cfs. which is nice. We also could use some color to the water the rain will provide. I'm hoping things get easier for us.

10/8/2015 9:35:00 AM
Flying Scotsman
10/8/2015 2:33:00 PM
10/8/2015 8:18:00 PM
10/8/2015 8:47:00 PM
10/8/2015 8:49:00 PM
10/8/2015 11:45:00 PMIf you never freeze it, how long can you keep it in the frig? I have been freezing it.