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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Pend Orielle River Report
Pend Oreille County, WA



Smallmouth Bass
56° - 60°

This report is for Sept-Oct. Thought I'd combine our outings into one report. We've spent most of Sept and Oct fishing up on the Mighty PO due to the success we've had catching quality bass. I also owed my younger grandson another trip up there so on a visit over from Seattle up we went, he really loves catching those smallies! Most of the fish caught were in the 1.5-4.2lb range on a variety of plastics and a white chatterbait with a white curly tail grub trailer. Wish we could've boated what the Mrs. had a hold of and fought for about 5 min, and when she says grab the net I know it's a biggin. I've boated allot of her big bass by hand but she said not this one. This smallie made a brief surface slosh and appeared to be well over 6+ then proceeded to take go under the boat in 15 feet of water, she could not bring her up and finally broke off, she was not a happy camper! It didn't break her line but was a great hook bender! We've had occasional hook benders but not like that one! We also enjoyed seeing double bald eagles on one branch, we've seen plenty of bald and golden eagles up there but not doubles. Was great to see the water level up too, it's been quite low and dangerous over the summer.


10/13/2015 11:18:00 PM
Great pics, thanks for sharing - Alan
10/14/2015 3:04:00 AM
Quality fish! Nice to hear the water level has come up. Your grandson has "that look" in his eyes that makes me think you got him hooked on bass fishing...
chad s.
10/14/2015 5:37:00 AM
Great Report! That's what it's all about.
10/14/2015 2:05:00 PM
I always enjoy your reports. Glad to see the young'un getting hooked on fishing. Good report.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709