11/3/2015 11:28:00 AM
11/3/2015 1:19:00 PM
Ian Horning
11/3/2015 3:26:00 PM
11/4/2015 4:50:00 AMI agree with your comments in principle, but you have to pick your battles. This area (Whatcom and Skagit) has only one freshwater officer. Do you really want him to spend his day watching for sniggers at the wall?
The Bellingham police have agreed to lend a hand, but here again do you want them to spend their day watching for sniggers.
We all know that 99% of the people there intend to snag, but unless they actually get caught keeping a snagged fish it would be very difficult to convict them.
The answer to this problem is to elect a legislature that is pro-fishing. The funding for the things that I care about keeps getting cut and cut and cut. While subsidies for the fat cat corporations keeps getting raised and raised.
That's my rant for today.
Good luck to you kid.
Keep your tip up and lit him run!

11/4/2015 6:12:00 AMI will agree that many of the fish at the wall are boots but to each their own. There are chromers available and the regulations alow the angler to drop unwanted fish directly in the tube to the holding pond. We have legally caught many bright chums both in the salt and in fresh water and have never had one that was not edible. Table fair or not, they are fun to catch!

11/4/2015 8:44:00 AM
11/4/2015 11:33:00 AM
8/15/2016 9:45:00 AMYou are not allowed to have any weight attached less than 12" from your hook. Although it is technically a jig-headed hook, it is still weighted and therefore illegal.

8/15/2016 11:05:00 AMWhile you do have valid points, I don't know what you are trying to achieve with your use of the word "sniggers"? The letters a and i are quite distant from each other on the keyboard, and you use the term twice in your post, as well as using the correct term "snagged". Come on, be better.