Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
I got to the highway side of Reiter at 6am on Monday morning. I hiked up river about 300 yards and worked my through a couple nice runs step by step down river, fishing maybe 150 yards downstream and on the inside seams. I had a few bumps through there, then as the sun hit the water, probably around 7am I hiked up about another 2-300 yards past where i started, and switched to a size 4 natural - steelhead Muddler and 10 feet of T-11. On my way down my first swings were only 20-30 foot casts in some really nice pocket water and I pulled a couple of nice cutty's out and had the only real tugs of the day right there towards the top of the run. There was a couple nice steelies hanging behind a boulder in some classic "nervous water" 4-6" deep. On 3 different swings behind that boulder I got grabbed hard, one time almost ripping my rod out of my hand, but couldn't get em to stick. Lost all the Muddler's that I had in that spot so I tried a couple other flies and Nymphed with a bead through that slot but I'm sure that they had moved out of there. No other serious grabs except for one that came on maybe a 15' cast while i was on the phone with my buddy... Around 11am I grabbed my 5wt and caught two nice cutthroat, both around 12" but, fat little guys that pulled pretty hard on the 5wt which is always fun. That rod was rigged with dry dropper, size 8 olive stonefly and a size 14 Bjorns purple pretty. Sorry for no pics and a late report. It was about 80 degrees and I didn't want to handle the fish more than i needed to, I just popped the hook out and didn't even touch the fish when releasing them. The water was around 2800cfs and dropping. Went 0 for 2, lost a bunch of flies but still had a blast.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service