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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA


Chinook Salmon

I decided to go solo in my canoe from Lewis street bridge to 522 bridge. what could go wrong with an idea like that?

Fished Blue Fox spinner and drifted home cured eggs. took the right side of the big island above the confluence. laded canoe twice and fished awesome looking water. drifted eggs and swung spinner. caught two 12" trout. then headed downstream. faster current and a fair amount of wood. Luckily i had about 3" draft as I was forced over some logs. dragged bottom at the confluence. once in the Snohomish a steady upstream wind was a pain. as was the two jet boats who blew right by me at full speed. WTF? I turned into their wake and rode it out.
then upstream from the 522 bridge, a full 4th of July party was in swing with lots of gunfire and semi-atomatic gunfire. as i was going past, i could hear the bullets hitting a big cedar above me. Then I hear a bullet hit the water near me, just like in the movies it makes a distinctive sound. I paddled out of there as fast as I could.
I knew the current and wood might be dangerous, I never thought about being swamped by jet boats or being shot...


7/4/2016 2:24:00 PM
Glad you made it out ok, people are crazy. Last year fishing pinks down at Thomas Eddy I am pretty sure someone fired a shot that hit the water very close to where I was standing. Probably a 0.22 from the sound of it. I seem to recall a report on here for Crescent Lake, which is very close to the 522 bridge, where someone wrote about people firing rounds into the lake while they were on it.
Bank drifter
7/4/2016 7:45:00 PM
Unbelievable...I fished BH (Ben Howard) week ago on a Sunday, a real circus of drunk folks in rafts, drunk folks on the beach and sleds hammering the holes...went up top later in the week, hit several steelhead, yet to land one...but that is the summer run..very different than winter.

Last summer I only landed two fish, one a BH salmon that was released (18#) the other a nice buck above Reiter...keep trying' they are out there..
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709