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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Cowlitz River Report
Cowlitz County, WA



71° - 75°
Drift Fishing
Corky & Yarn

Got to blue creek trout hatchery area around 630, lines in water by 645. Water was super low today for the cowlitz. I had to walk a solid 35 yards out into the river and was still only at my waist. Tried drifting yarn, eggs, corkies, beads all with no luck, even added some UV shrimp gel. But man were the fish jumping!! They were everywhere which made it so frustrating I couldn't get any! Saw one guy catch one on a boat with a few other guys, no other hook ups that I saw.
At 915 drove down to barrier dam to hope for some better luck. I got none. But there was a guy who was really helpful and friendly he set me up with one of his rigs (just yarn on a hook with a very long leader and a small pencil lead for weight) that had caught him a king and a steelhead today, that was great! Unfortunately didn't get me a steelhead or king tho lol.
Left at 1230 to beat (some of) the traffic back home to Redmond.
Had a good time getting the lines wet, saw a couple deer, wolf, bald eagle, heron so that was cool... Just hoping for a fish next time!


8/11/2016 7:49:00 PM
Thanks for the report. Just waiting for that: they were everywhere. Good sign!
Thanks a lot. Going over there over weekend.
8/11/2016 8:36:00 PM
Yeah, absolutely.
I got there like I said around 630 and as I was walking out into the spot in the river I was trying to fish, I heard 3-4 jump. I saw a few more and heard several more after that. They stopped jumping mainly around 9 but they were there, that's for sure. I think it's just harder to get them to bite with the water so low. By the weekend it hopefully will be atleast a little higher for ya!
8/11/2016 9:30:00 PM
Thanks for the report. Also heading down this weekend
8/11/2016 9:30:00 PM
Thanks for the report. Also heading down this weekend
8/11/2016 9:58:00 PM
I have never seen that river so low, they can still launch their sled down there, wow!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709