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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Snohomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



56° - 60°
Coho Salmon
51° - 55°

So Its always a must that I fish the Samish AKA the Ditch, a twenty minute drive and fish on. While fishing this year I meet some new people. I wake up one morning at 3am so I can get a close parking spot so I don't have to walk to far into the river and out when I'm done. So I'm the first one to the spot that morning so I can fish where I want, while waiting I can see someone else heading my way. We introduce ourselves and I make a new fishing buddy Tim. So I promise time I would take him fishing since he is new to fishing in the northwest as he was a transplant from Minnesota. I call him Friday and give him the news that we are going on Sunday and meet me at 4am. Tim gets to my house right on time as I was raising the garage door, so I show him my collection of gear and drift boat parked next to it all. I gave him the rundown about everything hanging on the pegs, he say it's like a store. I let him know what works you buy when it's cheap and forget all the foo foo stuff at many of the stores. I hook up the she wooldrige and head for the river. We launch, set off stop to tie some gear and explain why we are going this early and where, because the fish in the snohomish head right up to the 522 because the water I low and they can get pretty far since its tide affected a long ways. We get to the bridge and wait to fish I put on the plugs I wanted to use. I showed him how far to let the plug out and just watch the rod you will know when a fish hits it. It wasn't 2 minutes after I set off in our first troll be says I have a fish on, he grabs the rod the fight begins. He says oh my oh my and I just smile while I take the boat out of gear and watch him fight this fish, 1 one the boat and it's a buck. Off we go again and wham he has another, this one is a hen, number 2 in the boat. We bonk her and bleed our second fish and in the box to join the first. About 1 hour goes by and more boats show up and we have out 3 fish as we go by 2 boars that is anchored up. As the sun comes up the bite slows as I figured it would we leave with 3. We split the fish, I gave him 2 and all smiles because I can't wait for the next time we go. I had some engine trouble because I believe my water pump is going out. I picked up a new kit today and plan to have that installed before the weekend since we only have 4 days left for now according to the wdfw.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709