Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
The following people, names, faces and places have been changed to protect the innocent.....hehehehehehehe and my spot; granted there were plenty of people out there so it's possible you may have seen me...that's the hint and why I blurbed out my face, that and it's obviously a year round lake, and that's all the tips ya get. Would've gotten some pics from the scene, but I was by myself as everyone I called wussed out sayin it's too cold, bwa, suck it up, let's get some lines wet!!!! Well, it took 2 and 1/2 hours before I figured out what they wanted, but once again, my secret place has produced, and even some decent ones as you can see. The ones taken (counting released fish too) took about two hours to get once I got into them. I am sure I could've gone with more, but I was pretty tired after getting up at one this morning for work...(a hint as to who I am).....I also caught another species of panfish but let them go cuz I just wanted Crappie today.
Lake Conditions Cold, windy, sunny, clouds, sunny, clouds then no wind, then wind.., etc.
Water, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr COLD
depth somewhere beneath the surface
lure chihuahua head tipped with eye of newt
line braided steel 8000lb test
well, that's about it, not bad for the first of November, bwuhahahahahaaaa
The EniGmaTic WunDerKind VooDuuChild
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service