Trent Hale
5/1/2008 11:35:00 AM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Finally made it out for the first float tube trip of the year last Saturday. Beautiful sunny day. I hope everyone enjoyed the opener.
My friend, who is somewhat new to bass fishing, and I, took our tubes out. She's never caught a bass over about a pound or so. We get in and rig up and she lands a 3 lb bass on her first cast! We were so excited! Nothing happens for about an hour, then she hooks into a BIG one. By the time I can get over to her, she has fought and landed a pig bass that had to be very close to 6 lbs! We didn't have a scale, but it measured about 21 inches (ruler on tube stops at 18), and had a big fat belly. And I still haven't caught anything grasshopper. So finally I get one that goes about 2 1/2. Then I try another area. And my friend hooks up another BIG one in her same area. This time, I'm much farther away and I'm watching her play it. After a few seconds her line breaks. And she says this one must have been much bigger because she couldn't even keep her wrist up to fight the fish. Are you kidding me?!
So then I catch a dink. lol. Finally I get into an area with some sticks and start stealth fishing, dropping my worm into pockets and doodling it around. I hook up a big bass right in front of me in about 5-6 feet of water. It instantly starts for some brush, and I horse him back and he dives right under me. Right into my fin and boot. My friend said I looked pretty funny holding my rod up and contorting myself to get at the line wrapped around my fin. Well, that didn't last long. Line broke. Big bass. Who knows how big. I couldn't even control him.
That was a fun trip and a great start to the bass fishing season. Ended the day with five caught, two lost. All fish released. All fish caught (and lost) on 8 lb Trilene with 4" Texas rigged power worms.
Things to get: digital scale!
Things to bring: digital camera. I never bring a camera. Hello?
Things learned: Heavier line needed. And tuck your legs when you hook a bass right in front of you with only about 7 feet of line out :P
Well, if anyone's reading this far thanks for indulging me. This was probably one of the funnest trips for bass I have ever had.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service