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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Top Fishing From Shore
Largemouth Bass

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Been busy working now so don't have as much time to do this, spend it going fishing, so for the last month or so I've been getting around, went to Spanaway after seeing some LM spawning in the shallows and went a week later and no LM, think someone caught them, especially some guy I talked to and seen there before that fishes Spanaway hard every weekend I see him there and he has a lot of big bass he has caught smallies also he can tell you about. I fished all day saw one smallie on a bed threw a worm no bite, fished for about four more hours with no bites at all, and on the way back in threw a rapala minnow over where I saw that smallie earlier and with two cranks wham, nice 3lb smallie my personal best for a smallmouth, never fished for them much but will now, and boy do those guys like to jump and fight right to the boat, never giving up. Then I tried Alder around the middle of July and surprised to see Bass on beds, guess so late on the beds because the Park waited so long until they raised the water level then it took a while for that water to warm up but I did not complain, started out early, crack of dawn hooked all four LM 2 being about 2lbs and 2 about 21/2 to 3 lbs, two smaller on red shad worm and two on the frog, all next to stumps in the grass and the two on the frog was back in a cove that the bull frogs were just going nuts croaking back there so I figured why not gotta work so tied it on and within a couple of cast fish on, yeah don't figure frogs croaking all around why not through a frog duh! But honestly first time I ever threw a worm or a frog in Alder for LM and did not expect the morning I had. Had seen LM but never caught that big of LM on Alder before, and don't know why I haven't been back. Maybe because the lat two weekends I've been going to my Big Bass Pond and just whacking them on Rapala minnow, frog, fly rod poppers on top, worms, you name it they hit it, my friend last week now this is right after I caught my biggest of the day 6 to 61/2 pounder could have been bigger don't really know just guessing, no scale, man need to get one just to really stop with the guessing part but who cares as long as they are hitting like they were then I don't care how big but any hoot he has on a clear gold with some flakes grub and a brown grub power bait on the same hook looked like a creature thing cast about fifteen feet or so past the big one I just caught an wham nails a 6 lber almost the same size as mine but not quite, so goes to show when there hitting they don't care sometimes what it looks like they just hit it, that is why I like this place, back to back 6lber huh not happening to much around here that I know of unless your on McIntosh, St. Clair, or Patterson to name a few, guess there are good fishing spots just have to be a the right place at the right time. Any way also had about a 4 lber scare the daylights out of me when he decided to grab my bait as it was coming out of the water right at the end of my pole, I just saw a dark movement and then this white mouth flying right me, shoot didn't know what the heck at first happened so fast didn't know to run or fight something off, watching shark week on TV didn't help either and by the time it happened it hooked itself praise Spider wire or else probably would've broke off, all I had to do was laugh and hold on. My heart skipped a beat after that one. But just one of those great days of fishing words can't describe, anything and everything you threw would work, blasting topwater hits, hits as soon as the bait hits the water, when you haven't even done one crank yet or even thrown the bail over hits, or the hits when bait hits the water you start your retrieve and a big wake starts to go for the bait and the anticipation not to set the hook until you feel something but to keep moving bait but not to fast stuff is man a rush and a heart attack all mixed in and wham fish on. Just had a day amongst days that just keeps me going back, and if those Salmon fisherman whom I run into every so often don't keep taking the big boys out there will be a lot more to come, by the way since the Salmon season started haven't seen them lately so I guess they are not where the action is as far as I'm concerned go get them, leave the best bass fishing for me! Wonder if they get top water, toilet bowl flushing bowl strikes with a Salmon hmmm doubt it. Could sit here and write about every one but I'm burning daylight and with this rain today I'll bet any amount of money worms be working today, and probably the frog and the minnow and the creature and might even throw Bubble Gump my bubble gum colored paddle tail floating worm that I haven't thrown since Spring, no sense talking about it, I've decided I'm going today, maybe no for sure I'll have a story for you'll tomorrow and it will be good.....Heck might even take the fly rod for crappie and bluegill as big as your hand, yeah man getting better with letter man let me get off this thing and go fishing and if your reading this your wishing you were too. Later, tight lines and practice catch and release for the next time!


8/9/2008 8:22:00 PM
Pics,..Pics,..Pics,..oh can you say Pics? LOL,.. great day it sounds like,..just wish there were Pics!

8/10/2008 8:30:00 AM
Hey Brown Bomber,
Have pics on cell phone just no hardware to transfer from phone to computer, and don't care if I do ever get it, just sounded like a great day and wanted to write to you'll about it, so if you want to see pics then follow me around the lake and take all you want or come over and I'll show you all the ones from all the years from the same place that are still there and the next generation will be there for my kids unless someone ruins the place somhow, which I hope never happens. Take your own pics, if that is how you need to prove yourself, the man above knows and he is the only one whom I need to answer to and he is giving me all the catching I can handle, ask GOD and he will answer, maybe with back to back 6lbers for a start. Praise the Lord, now pass the Beans, fart.........Pardon Me! Pics, Pics, Pics don't need no stinking pics, but I'll work on getting them posted just nedd to go to Radio Shack and get er done, but that is going into my fishing time so maybe not! We'll see not one of those things on my priority list.
Trent Hale
8/10/2008 10:32:00 AM
Its good to here your back slashing the pads. This Friday I will try to get down there and try for some of those HAWGS! I'll bring my cam so we can post some of your pic's. I don't post that many pic's cause I don't want every one to know what kind or size of fish I'm getting! If so they wont be there next year.
8/10/2008 12:32:00 PM
LOL,..no worries,..I just love to see what the other Bassers are catching,..always nice to share the moment with them in some way or fashion,..follow you around and take pics,..LOL,..I think not,..if anything i'll ask you to allow me the knowledge of the spot then fish with you and have a blast,..but I'm no ones photographer,..LOL,..it's nice that those Bucketmouths will be there for your kids to enjoy,..that's what life is all about!

8/12/2008 11:03:00 PM
Trent that is why you always post under the secret lakes so you know they will be there. That is why I quit posting in the main area because it seamed like everytime I did the lake was full of people. Nice report Basser61
8/22/2008 4:56:00 PM
Dear Brown Bomber,
Ok, sounds good I'll take you around and I have an idea that if your video suave well make a show, call it something, show me how to do it and I'll film you and go from there with Washington Lakes. Get back with me, by the way went the other day, but first stopped by the Randals Pond, just a small pond, no bigger than a cane Pole, knocked out about 20 Crappie and 20 minutes and took them to the other lake where the big bass are. Then, Cane Poled around caught one large Crappie andh and one small perch about 2 inches almost get eaten right in front of me by a two and half pound Bass. So get back with me ttyl tight lines
9/17/2008 3:50:00 PM
Take the pics with your phone, then send a text to your own personal email. Save and post. EASY.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709