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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Top Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
All Day

I was in the southwest area of the state. I just found a outstanding river so I'm goin to be greedy for a while. my buddy and I hooked 8 and landed 5. I think it was my best day ever for steel. We only threw jigs as usual. Half were caught on pink and half were on nightnare w/the pink body subsitute. I kept my first fish(the hen about 9lbs) I let the buck go so I could keep fishin which resulted in a lost chrome hen at the bank and landing a beautiful native hen about 10lbs. My buddy just kept one hen about 5lbs.
The river was low and clear, you just have to change were you fish and cover a lot of water. We will fish all rapids and fast riffles, then just into the deep part of the hole. We never fish any tail outs. also, we both wear spotting glasses, which are more for finding channels, rocks or any structure we think the fish will hold by. If we do find a fish we will work hole harder and change up colors or just leave and give the fish a rest them come back. Again, always using shrimp oil. Last, I will change leader length about 100 times or so in 6in. increments. I try to find bottom then bring it back up a few in. I hope that helps and/or motivates someone to fish low/clear.
I also bought a new pole. I always have used long poles so I went with an Okuma 13'6" 2-8 lb. fast action. It is center pin style. I put on P-line "cx" 12 lb and it match pretty good. with the fast action you can reef on those fish no problem. The two big one still burned about 75yds. of line though. I'm gonna try to film my drag screeming next time!


12/16/2011 6:38:00 PM
im gonna say lewis river let me know
12/16/2011 8:16:00 PM
Going to say Kalama...Grat job!!
12/16/2011 8:31:00 PM
that aint no rainbow trout yo. haha
12/17/2011 4:56:00 PM
I didn't see steelhead on fish selection. I was out west more.
12/17/2011 6:39:00 PM
I'm going to say no rainbow but definitely a bank maggot
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709