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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Secret Spot Report



Bottom Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass

Went out on an afternoon run to my favorite lake. While casting shallow docks spotted a huge bass. As she went to the deeper end of dock I got her to come back to the shallow end and go for my lure. When she came out from the end of the dock she looked all of 8lbs. When she came out of the of the water and shook her head I knew she was closer to 10lbs. I got her in the boat and found my scale and she came out to 9lbs 11oz. Lake front home owner helped take the picture and it does not do the fish justice. True giant! I released her to be caught another day!

Conditions: Light wind from the south, water temp 43 degrees, water clarity fairly clear.


4/2/2012 9:38:00 AM
Congrats!! For Washington that is truely a huge bass. Maybe once in a life time. I know what you mean about the photo not doing the fish justice. I read a how-to article on how to take a proper photo. It said to always hold the fish side ways with both hands, don't extend the arms, and take the photo as close as possible that captures the fish and the angler's face. Ofcourse this imfo is alittle late. Using this method I have a wonderful picture of me holding my biggest, 8-12, which truely shows its size. On the other hand, I have a photo of me holding an 8-7, which could have been mistaken for a 2 lber because of the poor photo. Anyway, you did good!!!!!
4/2/2012 9:45:00 AM
Forgot to mention, cudos on releasing the fish. If you have the bucks you can have a replica made, which is actually cheaper than having a true mounting done. I have one of my 8-12 and it is impressive. I think it cost me about $250.00. And like I said, you've caught a bass that probably only a handful of anglers have ever caught in Washington State.
4/2/2012 1:13:00 PM
Nicely done spindoggy
4/2/2012 5:35:00 PM
Nice PIG!!!!!
4/2/2012 6:09:00 PM
NICE WORK!!! Not your biggest, but excellent early season catch!!!
I have a sinking feeling I know where you were ;)

Good call on the "secret" setting... See you out there this season maybe... B8.
4/2/2012 10:13:00 PM
Elijah my man I have to disagree with you, I know spindog, I have talked to him out on the water and on this site many times, the dude doesn't lie and is one hell of a bass angler! I have seen pics of him holding a largemouth out of a lake right by my house that went over 11lbs! It was a friggin monster and would have been a new State Record by 2oz's, he didn't even post it to brag AND he released that one too! The pic with the scale shows him holding the scale with both hands and the tail is off screen due to the length of the scale chain...at least he showed the scale!! You know how many dudes I've seen on this site over the years holding 3lbers and claiming they're 6?! Plenty! Also, although it's not where I put my scale hook, I have seen MANY a "pro" bass angler use the exact same technique when weighing fish. Do you use secret fishing hooks that have hands instead of points? Do they just reach out and grab the bass you catch? Relax! Next time you go sight fishing for bedded fish, have a close look at their mouths....a couple weeks of every Roland Martin wannabe snagging them off their beds and their mouths look like swiss cheese!

I read your posts dude and I like them, you have a passion for fishing and that's great, but what's your biggest bass to date? I have a photo of a 8.4lber off of Goodwin I caught last year that I could put right next to a pic of a 6lber and challenge you to tell me which is which, photo's can be a weird deal. I absolutely believe this fish is 100% what spindog says it is and it's BS comments like this that stop people from posting on this site! I did!

Just because someone catches a bass that dwarfs your personal best, don't be so quick to call them a liar!! If you don't believe it that's your choice, but this guy spends as much time on the water as anyone I know and has a long list of lunkers that would hurt your feelings. You owe spindog an apology and you really need to reconsider if you have the mental stability to participate in a public fishing site?!
4/2/2012 11:25:00 PM
That is one incredible fish!!!. Sure, the fish does not "look" as big as is stated, but pictures can and often are deceiving. On the other hand, a fish on a digital scale, is hard to dispute. I believe the scaled weight demonstrated in the second picture.
Mike Carey
4/3/2012 6:41:00 AM
8theB8 says it to the point. Absolutely no need to be calling someone out on their fishing report. If the weighing hook is an issue it's a great topic to start - on the bass forum. No need to be doing this on someone's report. Nice fish and thanks for the scale picture, that gives support to the weight.
4/3/2012 10:22:00 AM
Just checked back on this report. So glad to see that it was pulled. It really bothered me. I totally agree with 8theB8. The guy was nice enough to post a great story and photo, the very reason I enjoy this site, only to be slammed. It would certainly throw a damper on me giving any more posts. When it comes to fish, photos can be terribly deceiving, as I commented earlier. And it is too bad that the photo doesn't show the true size of the fish. At least he would have something to hang on the wall, seeings how he was nice enough to release the fish. For a good many fishermen out there, the only place that fish would have gone is home to show off, or off to a taxidermist. And as far as the hole in the mouth......beats the heck out of Wesson Oil at 350 degrees. Keep up the good work, Spindog!! And thanks for the post 8theB8.
4/3/2012 11:07:00 AM
Great fish! Congrats. Also Spindog is a big tall guy, so that alone will 'fool' the viewer of the pictures.
4/3/2012 4:27:00 PM
Wow, great fish! I did not get to see the one that, apparently, got deleted, but I can figure the gist of it out with the subsequent posts. Too me, this fish looks extremely large. Look at the girth from it's head all the way back past the anus and then it goes into a very, very thick tail. That is an awesome fish. I am jealous.
4/5/2012 3:09:00 PM
Great fish! That thing is a pig! Congrats.
4/5/2012 9:17:00 PM
Nice Fish Spinner!

Take a good look at the pic guys, his arm is beside and almost behind him and its a downward angle. That making 10 pounds look like 6. When I catch a 5 I hold it way out at arms length and it looks HUGE! The man caught a big one and shows the scale in the pic. Give him a break, I know him personally and he is a heck of guy with no reason to lie. Just the fact that he caught a monster on April first on a frozen lake in Washington is reason for applause. Anyone know what lake this is? Good keep it to your self! He made an effort to not announce is favorite fishing spot to be taken over by the masses. Put in your time and you can find your own sleepy little lake.
4/6/2012 10:58:00 AM
Nice fish! Pictures never show the actual size..I caught a 6 pounder last year that looked like a freaking dink in the picture!
9/29/2012 8:37:00 PM
8theB8, thanks for having my back. Thanks for everyone's support and comments.
As for fish size, I am holding the Bass back and to my side showing true relationship to my body. I am 6'2" and 265LBs. Puts that Bass at just under 10LBS easy.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709