The Quadfather
3/3/2013 10:29:00 PM
3/4/2013 11:22:00 AM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Decided to go trout fishinfor the first time this year. So I convinced my friend to pull his little smokercraft out of hibernation and head to a local lake I fished as a kid but haven't been to in years. While this lake is no secret it get ls enough pressure without me naming it here. Anyways we started trolling around 3 oclock I with a red wedding ring tipped with worm and he a rooster tail. We kept passing by this old worn out little dock and iwould keep getting bumped. This happened on the first three passes, finally my friend says maybe my hook wasn't Sharp enough, so after a couple of strokes with my buddy's file we passed through again and BAM! tied into a nice 2+ pound rainbow I fought it for a good five minutes, got it in close enough to snap a few quick pics and pulled the barbless hook out of its mouth and sent it on its way. A great fish, and he will live to fight another day. A picture lasts a lot longer than one meal of trout. Had to rank the day high since I went out not really expecting to catch anything and caught this beauty. It was the only fish brought to the boat.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service