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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Secret Spot Report




This is actually a secret river report. I know without a location it is a story not a report but here goes.

I went with a buddy on a guided fishing trip on Thursday which started out very slow in the first location which has always been a solid producer. We thought we would really be working for our fish which is fine so we we left the first location and started down the river when the guide said "Hey, let's try a couple casts into this little back eddy before we push on". We moved closer to a little cove with a swirl that was no more than 10 yards long. Maybe good for a fish or two. We figure out the current and start twitching our jigs under the rock wall and bang, double! Wow!! He moves us over to the other side of the river to land them and moved back over to the cove. Two more casts and bang, double. Are you kidding me? Guide moves us over to the other side, lands the fish and back to what we are now calling the Hot Tub. Two more casts, bang, double. All the fish were 10 to 15 pound coho with a mix of native and hatchery and we were starting to fill our limits of hatchery fish. Several more trips to the hot tub produced our limits and we ended up with six double hook-ups and a few singles which somehow seemed disappointing. We normally wouldn't keep our last hatchery fish this early in the day because we wouldn't want to quit fishing but we were totally satisfied with all the line-screaming brutes we had fought and the last hatchery fish was a bright 15 pounder so we bonked it and rowed the last six miles off the river. The most memorable hour of fishing I have ever been a part of. Tight lines!


Mike Carey
12/7/2014 1:03:00 PM
Awesome! That trip is one for the memory book.
12/7/2014 2:18:00 PM
Nice fish ! and good report, although I don't understand the secrecy part, seems like the guide would want more business.
12/7/2014 7:03:00 PM
Great report and that is what I call a 'hawg'! you could still rate it a 5 even though a secret river!
12/7/2014 11:47:00 PM
It's reports like these that make me laugh . No one wants others to enjoy fishing and hog it all. But that's why I live in eastern washington were people are a lot more polite. Born and raised in Seattle , but a world of difference in sportsman here
12/8/2014 7:36:00 AM
I meant to mark the rating as a 5 but must have whiffed. The guide asked me not to share the location which is not uncommon for guides. I can't mention the guides name or business because that is the policy of the site, which I understand.
Respecting someone's wishes is considered polite in most areas but obviously not in Eastern Washington.
Gringo Pescador
12/8/2014 7:39:00 AM
Nice job man! Glad to see you are getting out there! justinspotanske - sometimes a secret report (guided or not) is more about the safety of the reporter or guide than it is to keep a "secret". On some of these rivers the locals feel (right or wrong) that the internet is ruining "their" river or fishery and have taken to retaliating by means of vandalism or worse. Being a regular Joe that might hit the river once or twice a season is one thing, but being a guide on these (remote/semi remote) rivers where you (and your rig) are seen on a regular basis can be a delicate balance between promoting your business and ensuring your (and your rigs) safety..
Mike Carey
12/8/2014 8:11:00 AM
djw0414, thank you for respecting our policy, very class act of you. The secret reports I believe have a default rating since it's secret, we didn't think it mattered, but I do see the value of being able to rate it for personal trip recording. I'll pass it along to Aaron. If your most excellent guide has any interest in advertising on the site just tell him to contact us at support@washingtonlakes.com. Thanks again.
12/8/2014 7:55:00 PM
djw0414 ,Gringo Pescador Thanks for the response I learned a few things I was not aware of, so this is a good discussion.
12/8/2014 10:42:00 PM
FishinMarine....thanks for understanding.
As I stated it was more of a story than a report but it tells everyone there are still bright coho entering river systems that are susceptible to twitching jigs. Many rivers have historically had decent returns of "b-run" coho so there is still some useful information included in my story because most of them have had decent results this year. Tight lines.
12/9/2014 2:44:00 AM
The hump and rest of Chehalis systems are still all good right now for chrome coho most of em are native but they are really nice size,jigs.spinners.eggs the norm. when will they stop??
12/9/2014 2:46:00 AM
look in the background its no secret..Common man!!
Mike Carey
12/9/2014 6:52:00 AM
ummm, if you know the background, it's no secret. In which case you already know it. If you don't (which I will guess is 98% of people reading this post), it's just another Pacific Northwest river bank. I can surmise one thing from the picture - it's a fairly large river system, not a smaller river. I highly doubt a secret report is going to set off a flood of anglers in a quest to figure out what bank that is in the background. Like you said, it's common knowledge the Chehalis system and some of the Olympic coast rivers have late runs of B run coho. Let's appreciate the pics and the fun story and leave it at that.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709