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Top Fishing From Boat
Cutthroat Trout

I hate to make my first post to this site be secretive but I will tell you it's a lake close to home. (I live in Shelton).

After chasing some steelhead the last few outings with no luck, I thought I would go check out an old haunt I haven't fished in a while and it turned out to be an alright choice. Caught these two and released two more casting rooster tails. Hoping for a steelhead somewhere tomorrow.


12/18/2014 10:14:00 PM
12/20/2014 3:28:00 AM
Lake or river? They look like searun cutthroat. I don't believe there is any retention allowed on Searun Cutthroat. Keep the stockies!
12/21/2014 6:46:00 PM
Sea run cutthroat look just like spawning cutts from a lake.. and unless the river is specified saying no retention of sea run cutt, then it is legal so long as trout can be kept. MOST rivers in the state ALLOW retention of src. So even if he lied and those are src its most likely legal and in my opinion perfectly fine to do. But I believe those were caught from a lake like he said, also remember that sea run cutts sometimes run up streams and into lakes like lake ballinger in snohomish county for example. And as far as not keeping src goes, they are among the best tasting trout ever, your missing out. And they are and have been so prolific as a species that they have the nickname of "harvest trout" there is nothing wrong with keeping cutts. Steelhead6438, you really should do some research before you just blurt out nonsense like you did. It really makes you seem rather ignorant.
12/25/2014 12:00:00 PM
Yep! gotta love the fish cops they always like running it! typical! Nice catch! We fish cause we like to eat em? Happy Fishing!!!!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709