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06 - Bonneville Dam to The Dalles Dam Report



All Day

Met 2 friends and fished for Chinook on Sunday (7th) and Monday (8th). The hot bite was on at dawn and dusk. Statistics are as follows:
Sunday in the a.m.:
1st fish - 20 lb chinook, (chrome) hooked up, ran straight at the boat, jumped in the boat, broke off line and flopped back in the water! I fought the fish for all of 30 seconds :)
2nd fish - 14 lb chinook, (chrome) hooked up, friend fought for 10 minutes, successfully landed and kept.
3rd fish - 10 lb coho (wild), hooked, landed, released
4th fish - 15 lb coho (wild), hooked, landed, released
5th fish - 20 lb chinook (toulee) hooked, friend fought, landed, released.
Sunday p.m.:
6th fish - 18 lb coho (wild), hooked, landed, released
7th fish - 26 lb chinook (chrome), hooked, I fought it for 35 minutes, landed, kept
8th fish - 10 lb steelhead, friend hooked it, fought it for 5 minutes, lost it after some acrobatics.
Monday a.m.:
9th fish - 52 lb chinook (chrome), I hooked it and fought it for 20 minutes before we evenually had to break away from anchors and chase it down. I fought for another 30 minutes and we landed it 1/4 mile from where I hooked it. Biggest Salmon I've ever caught. Fish had a 33 1/4" circumferance.
10th fish - 15 lb. coho (wild) hooked, landed, released
11th fish - 25 lb chinook (toulee), hooked, landed, released.
Off the water at 11am

It was windy, but in the 80's both days. All in all, a great trip. We wished the bite would have lasted longer, especially with so many fish coming over Bonneville.


9/9/2008 1:21:00 PM
Wow. Gorgeous!
9/9/2008 2:12:00 PM
Wow nice job i wish i could go fish there for some big salmon
once again nice job
how is that not a 5star trip
9/9/2008 2:58:00 PM
The reason for the 4 stars instead of 5 is that even though we caught some fish, we were really expecting to easily limit 3 guys each day. My friend that I was fishing with went down 3 weeks ago with 2 other guys when there was a lot less fish coming over Bonneville and they caught 34 fish in 3 days ranging from 14-28 lbs and all chromers. In my opinion (and it's just an opinion) more keepers would have meritted 5 stars. However, the 52 lber almost made it a 5 star trip :)
9/9/2008 3:33:00 PM
9/9/2008 3:46:00 PM
toulee = dark chinook; white soft flesh, not worth keeping even for smoking.
Mr. Magler
9/9/2008 8:41:00 PM
Nice HAWGS!!!! You're the man! Too bad our Cougs are in the dumpster this year :( I guess we'll just have to fish more often!
9/9/2008 9:19:00 PM
I'm sorry but a 52 pound Chinook constitutes a 5 star rating in my book.I never thought of going to the Wind river myself this time of year,definately my favorite springer hole though.Good job guys
Mike Carey
9/11/2008 9:04:00 PM
yup, 5 star. Nice job!
9/20/2008 10:23:00 PM
NICE!!!!! Looks like a blast! Great report. Were you fishing a jig under a float, like a chum or steely set up?
Thanks for the report, later.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709