Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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06 - Bonneville Dam to The Dalles Dam Report



Bottom Fishing From Boat

Took my little sister and a buddy out with a guide for some sturgeon action. fished from 8 to around 12 in one hole and caught upwards of 70 fish between the three of us, the smallest being about the size of the one my sister is holding and the largest is the 46.5 incher i am holding. we brought home three keepers, a 44" a 45" and a 46.5" we would have caught alot more fish i'm sure but the wind picked up making it very difficult to fish. fishing was very consistant until the wind started howling, getting a bite on at least one rod every few minutes with several doubles and a few triples, the guide said this was one of the slowest days he's had in this particular area this year.


2/9/2010 12:45:00 PM
Awesome! thanks for sharing.
2/9/2010 2:30:00 PM
Nice pics guys.
2/9/2010 4:17:00 PM
What was the name of the guide you went with?
2/9/2010 4:39:00 PM
Woo hoo! Nice fish!
Mike Carey
2/9/2010 5:38:00 PM
Hey guys, out of courtesy to the guides that are paying to be sponsors and support WL.com, let's not post guide information. It's not fair to them. If you want to share by PM or e-mail no problem. Thanks! (and Jacob didn't know, so no problem). Better yet, let the guides know we have sponsorships available. It's a great way for them to get their business information out and provide all of us with more fishing reports.
2/10/2010 6:37:00 AM
Sorry Jacob I did'nt want you to get in trouble. I wasnt aware that we couldnt post that info. Thanks Mike for clearing that up. I would like to go Sturgeon fishing and would like a good guide to go with. That was the only reason I asked. If you can email it to me that would be great. Thank
Mike Carey
2/10/2010 7:08:00 AM
Hi guys, I got a questioin about this from a member that wasn't clear on my post, so here is the explanation again, hopefully made more clearly: "To clarify my point (which you actually just made). We have guides that pay to be sponsors on WL.com. That in turn pays for the costs of keeping WL.com online. When a guide that isn't a sponsor on this site gets a free mention (and in turn gets a new client), that isn't fair to the guides that ARE sponsors and support the site. So we ask people masking posts to not mention the names/web sites of non-sponsor guides."

I really don't want to belabor the issue any more, it's just a courtesy I'll ask people when I do see it occasionally happen. Thanks guys!
2/10/2010 7:31:00 AM
Keith- i would send you a pm but i have no idea how
2/10/2010 3:41:00 PM
Can you email me the guide's contact information? I've always wanted to catch a surgeon. Till Soon, David
Email: david@dreamflyfishing.com
Mike Carey
2/10/2010 5:56:00 PM
me to, I want to get him to be a guide sponsor on the site!
2/10/2010 9:11:00 PM
i emailed the guy to ask him if he wanted to sponser, i will let you know when he gets back to me
2/11/2010 7:09:00 PM
I'd like to call foul here! And Mike if I'm out of line I don't mean to be but I don't really think it's right. Your site I believe is one of the better ones, getting some good reports and hopefully putting some people on fish. In this instance though you're saying he can't post the guides name, I just went through your "guides" list and you don't have a "Washington" (541 is Oregon you should keep this local) guide listed that covers the area from this report, therefore, there's no conflict of interest. No WASHINGTON guide stands to lose any business. This would be a great chance to possibly expand your guide sponsors, a few people saying I saw your name on Washingtonlakes.com would have to peak any smart businessmans interest. Plus this guide whoever he is seems to be on his game, would be a great chance to get your members on to some fish! Again, not trying to be out of line or a jerk, but if you're just fishing for sponsor money then say, "I won't allow businesses to be mentioned that aren't sponsors", just looking for honesty in the reasoning is all.
2/11/2010 7:39:00 PM
I'd like to call foul here! And Mike if I'm out of line I don't mean to be but I don't really think it's right. Your site I believe is one of the better ones, getting some good reports and hopefully putting some people on fish. In this instance though you're saying he can't post the guides name, I just went through your "guides" list and you don't have a "Washington" (541 is Oregon you should keep this local) guide listed that covers the area from this report, therefore, there's no conflict of interest. No WASHINGTON guide stands to lose any business. This would be a great chance to possibly expand your guide sponsors, a few people saying I saw your name on Washingtonlakes.com would have to peak any smart businessmans interest. Plus this guide whoever he is seems to be on his game, would be a great chance to get your members on to some fish! Again, not trying to be out of line or a jerk, but if you're just fishing for sponsor money then say, "I won't allow businesses to be mentioned that aren't sponsors", just looking for honesty in the reasoning is all.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709