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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report


Trolling With Fly
Rainbow Trout
All Day

No pictures to go with this report, but we did much better than Friday! :-) We made a run from Seven Bays to Swawilla Basin to try for Silvers. I took copius notes at a seminar hosted by local guide Ray Bailey at the Spokane Boat Show, so I wanted to try some of his suggestions on catching the silvers. We tried, but we didn't connect. So, knowing there have been reports of fish being caught near the mouth of the San Poil River, we made the run back upstream to see if we could connect there. We changed setups back to leaded line one with a Frisky Jenny perch pattern fly and I threw on a bright pink fly on the leaded line outfit I was trolling (it was Valentine's weekend). Since we also have 2 rod permits, I decided to long line mono with some Rip'n Minnow plugs, one in perch pattern and the other with a silver body and orange belly. I ran them out 195' and tipped the flies with about 1/3 crawler and ran them out 150'. Fishing was slow at first, but my wife caught the first on the perch pattern fly and while I was getting ready to clean it, we doubled up on the long line mono outfits. Alright!!! Turns out that was all we caught on the mono outfits, but we did end up catching one more on the perch pattern fly and then I caught the next 3 on the bright pink fly, including a nice fat 18+ incher that went a solid 2 1/2lbs. So, my wife caught the first fish, but I caught the biggest. We ended up with 7 in the cooler before calling it a day and heading back to Seven Bays. Still one day left!


2/15/2010 8:04:00 AM
Great report Hewesfisher! Are Ray Bailey's techniques posted anywhere on the web? Learning something new is always important.
2/15/2010 7:54:00 PM
Not that I know of. Was the first time I had an opportunity to sit through one of his seminars and picked up quite a bit of info. Now I just need more time on the water to put the tips into practice!
2/16/2010 11:09:00 AM
Hi Phil, Great report. I am glad someone is out there catchin fish because it sure isn't me but I hope to change that here soon. Hope you and the family are well.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709