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Method: Trolling
Species: Rainbow Trout
Bait: Maggots
Color: Red
Tackle: Other
Time: Morning
Rating: 2
Views: 1127
Place Fished: Lake Roosevelt
Date(s): 3/20/10
Weather Conditions: Sunny
Wind: Calm
Ambient Temp: 58F
Water Temp.: 40F
Water Clarity: Avg
Moon Phase: 23% Waxing
Location Fished: Swawilla Basin
Mouth of San Poil
Mouth of Hawk Creek
Lure Type: Red K-Fly and dodger
Red Jointed Rapala
Bait Used: Gulp Maggots
• Trolled in Swawilla
o Started out first thing in the morning just flat lining K-Fly and dodger
• Trolled on the up river side of the San Poil mouth only for about ½ hour
• Trolled up at Hawk Creek mouth w/ K-Fly and Red jointed Rapala
o Marked quite a bit of suspended fish (wallys?) on the underwater saddles
along numerous shoreline area
The water level at Roosevelt is up quite high for this time of year, because of the low snow pack. They do not anticipate a lot of run-off into the reservoir.
Depth/Speed: Started out just under the surface flat lining. Then used downrigger varying depths 10’, 15’ and 20’ deep
Varied speed from 1.8 – 3.25 mph
Catch Record: 21” Rainbow in the morning
* First photo is Hewesfisher's boat once we arrived at Hawk Creek...gorgeous run up there w/ the 3 of us in line! Second photo was the 21" Rainbow...it was gorgous and fought like a rocket. I kept it in the livewell hoping to catch another...never did so I kicked it out over the side. Sorry for the poor photo but I didn't want to stress it out again so it was released very healthy. Thanks Aaron and Phil (aka "The Hewes Brothers") for joining up, hope to do that again for a longer time!
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