4/19/2010 8:41:00 PM
4/20/2010 6:04:00 AM
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4/20/2010 6:08:00 AM
4/20/2010 10:02:00 AM
4/20/2010 10:19:00 AM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Place Fished: Lake Roosevelt
Date(s): 4/17/10
Weather Conditions: Mostly cloudy w/ light showers
Wind: Calm
Ambient Temp: 58F
Water Temp.: 45.3F
Water Clarity: Avg
Moon Phase: 12% Waxing
Location Fished: Swawilla Basin
Lure Type: Red K-Fly, Green K-Fly and dodger, Red/Pink Apex
Red Jointed Rapala
Bait Used: Maggots
• Trolled in Swawilla
o Started out first thing in the morning just flat lining K-Fly and dodger on one rod and the Rapala on the second rod
o Water had a little chop at first, then settled pretty flat
Varied speed from 1.5 – 3.0 mph
Catch Record: No hits, bites or fish
Additional Notes:
The only fish in the lake tried to jump in my boat as I was motoring out to the spot! A nice 2# silver jumped straight out of the water just as I was passing at about 30mph...just missing me by 3-4 feet! It makes me wonder how big the fish chasing it was....
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service