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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



With snow in the forecast and high winds I didn't think we were going to make it out on Sunday. I told my wingman Heavy D to call me if he wanted to go. Well he rang my cell phone of which I was laying on and I didn't wake up. 5 times he called and not even a budge. Then he tried my house phone and it rang twice and he hung up. Boom! I poped up and called him back. He said for me to get my popcorn ready that it was dead calm and he had his boat hooked up and ready!

Let the blood bath begin......

We launched at Lincoln at about 6:30 am and away we went. They water was choppy as hell with the open water. We hit 7 bays area and hawk creek hard. Jigging was where it was at! Depths were from 35 FOW to 55 FOW. Boat control was key as we faught the current and wind all morning but when verticle we were killing them. Another key factor for me today was the use of a stinger hook. I would use a worm threader and put the stinger out the back end of the worm. 80 percent of fish were caught on that bad boy!! Plan worked and payed off! 14 walleye ranging from 18 to 24 inches. 3 trout and one monster Burbot. We didn't catch the Burbot. A boat next to us caught one and they threw it back but it was stuggling. They asked me if I knew how to fillet them and I said bring it on!! It was the biggest Burbot I've ever seen!

Off the water by 12 pm. The bite is on for both Walleye and Trout! 2 hours of filleting and I am ready for the fish fry from hell next Super Bowl Sunday!! Go Steelers!!


1/31/2011 11:11:00 AM
Thanks for the great report! I cant wait to get after them. Did you happen to have better success at hawks or seven bays? Were the trout caught on jigs as well? And how big was that burbot!? Thanks for the info....
1/31/2011 12:03:00 PM
I love the part..."he said it was dead calm!" Then the next line was..."the water was choppy as hell!!" haha
1/31/2011 12:20:00 PM
Well done, and that Burbot should be excellent eating. I boil them in salt water, then dip it in melted butter like lobster. Great eating, even if it is different.!
1/31/2011 3:34:00 PM
Little bit of both! Trout were caught on jigs as well as the walleye. The burbot ran 27 inches.
1/31/2011 9:10:00 PM
Very nice!
2/3/2011 1:21:00 AM
yo mothug33 you would happen to be the el capitan of colonel mustard??
2/3/2011 9:42:00 AM
Needatmusk. Yes it is me Capt. of Col. Mustard. Who is this?? If it is who I think it is we need to get out on the water and rip some lips together!! Happy New Year! Good to hear from you :) Hit me up on the Celli! We need to hook up brother!
2/3/2011 11:01:00 AM
ya happy new you to you and the fam!! and congrats on that note also. ya we need to get together ive been extremely busy these last couple months and have done zero fishing. ill get a hold of you next week sometime i got a new number too so i'll text ya. hope all is well.
2/3/2011 11:01:00 AM
ya happy new you to you and the fam!! and congrats on that note also. ya we need to get together ive been extremely busy these last couple months and have done zero fishing. ill get a hold of you next week sometime i got a new number too so i'll text ya. hope all is well.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709