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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



Bottom Fishing From Boat
Rainbow Trout
Power Bait
Hook & Bait
All Day

Went to roosevelt with my wife and good freind Max. Launched aand stayed at the campground at keller ferry friday and sat. night. The lake level was very low. I'd guess maybe 30 feet down from normal. Made some of the coves we like to fish a beach. Sat. moring we found a cove up above keller ferry where a lot of fish were rising. We put the nose of the boat on the beach and started fishing on the bottom with a small weight about 24 inches above our rainbow powerbait. What a morning. The three of us limited in 35 mins. fish ran from 16 to 21 inches. Went and ate lunch then went out and trolled for kokanee. Had several strikes and landed one, 23 inches and three and 3/4 pounds. Got it on a 4/0 dodger with a pink wedding ring tiped with corn. Sunday morning back to the same cove. Fishing was a little slower. Took us an hour to limit then had to leave to drive back to the westside. What a great trip. Think next time will spend more time chasing kokes.


3/22/2011 3:13:00 PM
nice koke and rainbows.thanks for the report.
Jay K
3/22/2011 4:34:00 PM
Great report - that IS a nice kokanee.
3/22/2011 6:39:00 PM
Nice job, it is nice to see people are still catching the bows with the lake so low.
3/22/2011 8:34:00 PM
Awesome fish!
3/23/2011 7:09:00 AM
A limit for 3 in 35 min. must have been a lot of cooperation between all! What a fast and furios time. Thanks for sharing.
3/23/2011 3:01:00 PM
afk, It was nuts. I've never had fishing like that in my 55 years of fishing. As soon as your bait hit the bottom you had one on. We really needed another net.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709