Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Target Species: WALLEYE
Lake or River Fished: Lake Roosevelt north of Kettle Falls
Date(s) Fished: Friday 7-1 to Monday 7-4, 2011
Weather Conditions: Clear and blue sky very few clouds
Wind: almost none
Ambient Temp: day 80 night 50
Water Temp.: 56.8 almost everywhere
Water Clarity: 12 to 18 inches very clouds lots of debris
Moon Phase: 7% Waxing Crescent
Lure Type: jigs cranks bottom walkers
Bait Used: crawlers and plastics
Method: jig bottom walker and spinner trolling cranks
Depth: 12 to 28 FOW
Catch Record:
Steve 27" 6.25 pounder released
Allan 25" 4.5 pounder released
6 or so, 20 or 21 inch keepers
many many 16 to 20 inch keepers
countless 15 and unders
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service