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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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17 - Rufus Woods Report



46° - 50°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Rainbow Trout
Hook & Bait

Was on the water at Coyote Creek by 12:00 PM and were at the pens with only one boat in sight by 1 PM. Our lines were in the water inside the rope and catching comenced. Caught 7 fish from 2.5 to 7 lbs, and was back at the launch by 2:30. Chumming produced some big boys for us to chase and look at. Seen fish up tp 36" long. Afternoon turned out to be a beautiful afternoon with great company. Smoke 'em if you got 'em!


AJ's Dad
11/26/2012 6:54:00 PM
Chumming?? Can you explain what that is?
Lake Chelan Adventures
11/26/2012 8:04:00 PM
AJ's Dad...Chumming is when you put a bunch of bait or scent in the water to attract fish to the boat or where you are fishing..Chumming on Rufus Woods is illegal..I don't recommend doing this as you will get in trouble by the Warden! Also remember the Rules on Rufus..If Fishing with bait or scent when you catch 2 fish, even if you release the 2 fish that you caught, You have caught your limit and you are Done Fishing..I recommend fishing with Flies, Jigs or Single hook lures without scent or bait which will allow you to catch and release until you catch 1 you want to keep...Hopefully what "bottom feeder" is talking about, is when they turn on the feeders at the pens. Some folks call it chumming because a lot of food pass through the pens and the fish go crazy outside the pens....
11/26/2012 9:51:00 PM
I just checked the wdfw regs.on rufus woods lake and it says all species chumming is permitted.
11/26/2012 10:13:00 PM
Okanogan Co.)
CLOSED WATERS - from Grand Coulee Dam downstream to SR155 Bridge.

ALL SPECIES - chumming permitted.

Licensing Requirements - Douglas County shore (State license), on the water (either State or Tribal license
accepted), Reservation (Tribal permit required or either license accepted at a signed "Designated Fishing
Areas" (DFA) located and marked as such on the Colville Reservation shoreline).
TROUT Year-round No min. size. Daily limit 2. KOKANEE are included as part of the daily
TROUT limit. Only uninjured TROUT caught using artificial lures or flies
with single-point barbless hooks may be released.
Other Game Fish Year-round Statewide min. size/daily limit.
bottom feeder
11/26/2012 11:46:00 PM
ALL SPECIES - chumming permitted.
Lake Chelan Adventures
11/27/2012 6:21:00 AM
My bad on my last post on the Chumming issue.. Chumming is allowed if you are using Bait! Now if you are intending to catch and release using single barbless hooks, is chumming still allowed? I am in communication with WDFW today on this because in the past I have been told that if fishing with Single Barbless Hooks would it be considered bait and you would be done fishing after catching 2 fish..I will clear this issue today and let all know for sure!
11/27/2012 8:17:00 AM
Joe, a very generous offer to verify the chumming, while bait fishing Rufus Woods, fishing rules. Say could you ask if chumming while using a single barbless lure, jig or fly applies the same as chumming when using bait?
Lake Chelan Adventures
11/27/2012 11:07:00 AM
I have the Full rundown on Chumming at Rufus Woods!!!! I just got a call from the Game Agent and he is telling me that Chumming is legal when using Single Barbless lures and flies, But if you are Fishing from the Tribal Side of the Reservoir from Shore, Chumming is not Permitted by the Tribe and they will write you a citation. So now I am fully educated on this issue...
11/30/2012 5:37:00 PM
citation for chumming i dont think so ive chumed there for decades never had a problem. If you get a citation from the tribe simply tell them you have sovreign immunity. there words, when they poach on our land we paid for 1,000,000 times over!
Smokeum if you got em' Hell Yaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709