1/7/2013 2:23:00 PM
1/7/2013 3:34:00 PM
1/7/2013 5:12:00 PM
1/7/2013 5:20:00 PM
1/7/2013 7:13:00 PM
1/7/2013 7:43:00 PM"unless otherwise listed for a particular fishery or a particular body of water, then yes, it would be legal to release fish caught with bait, but if the fish has swallowed the hook, or been hooked in the gill, eye, or tongue, it should be kept if that species is legal to retain.
Also, as per the Statewide Freshwater Species Rules (under TROUT), page 17 of the regulation pamphlet states the following: “When fishing with bait, ALL Trout (except STEELHEAD) equal to or greater than the minimum size are counted as part of the daily limit (regardless of) whether they are kept or released.” This is because Trout take bait much deeper into their bodies than plain lures or bare hooks, and the mortality rate on those fish when released is much, much higher. If you were fishing with a plain lure or hook (no bait), you would be allowed to fish catch-and-release for as long as you wanted, until the daily limit has been retained."

1/8/2013 11:30:00 AM
1/8/2013 3:23:00 PM
1/9/2013 8:25:00 AMAs a point of education, that nice 24" fish is not a native, the adipose fin has clearly been clipped, so it is a net pen carryover. Still a nice fish, but from personal experience with them when they go into "brood mode" (dark colors) they are less than prime table fare. I've caught a few like that in the past, but won't retain them anymore unless they are hooked in a manner where their survival is questionable.
Also, my use of caps for TROUT and BAIT is identical to that of WDFW in the regs and not meant for any other purpose. My use of caps for "not" and "must", however, are for emphasis.
Nice report and great pics. ;-)

1/9/2013 9:56:00 AM