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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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06 - Bonneville Dam to The Dalles Dam Report


76° - 80°
Fish Eggs
Hook & Bait
61° - 65°

Went to Drano lake to fish for a couple days. The wind kept it interesting so patience was tried often. I had cured up some coonstripe shrimp last year but not much good came out of it so I grabbed a jar at the shop between Wind river and Drano Lake. A Piece of advice: cure your own if you know EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING. The shrimp were most likely dyed and cured elsewhere then put in a mason jar and dyed beyond anything, covered in red dye now. Fished the morning of the 20th and evening without much luck. Folks were catching all over and fish were jumping all over. Flicked their tails often which lead me to believe they were in the top 5 feet of water. I had some salmon eggs cured up and tried these with a few bites but those bites were the most action we got. I'm a little upset because I've tried fishing the salt and Drano a few times without much luck at all. Makes me a frustrated unhappy and unlucky fisherman. I need a new shrimp recipe and a source for shrimp if I'm going to try this again, the shrimp heads were rotting. Good luck to folks going out there, it's not white hot but with the right shrimp and bait, you can make a killing.


10/3/2014 1:59:00 PM
Bummer things didn't go better.
I have heard that the best place to get shrimp for Drano is the gas station/store at the West end of Stevenson (pretty large store at the gas station, with fair amount of tackle too). It's a little farther away, but could be worth the extra miles if it works! If you're coming from the West anyhow it would be right on the way.
Good luck
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709