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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report


76° - 80°
Rainbow Trout
Hook & Bait
All Day
66° - 70°

I got the boat out fishing for the first time since a rebuild. I put in at Lincoln and headed towards sterling point with line in the water a little after 7AM. I put the surface line out first per Two Brothers report and had my first fish on within a very short time.
it seems the 1&1/2 years in-between fishing trips caused me to forget how to tie a Knot? First fish took my Favorite Home Made Fly. Oh well I had two others from years past that I found. I proceeded to set up the Lead and put out 3 colors, and then reset up the mono with a similar mepps I had picked up at White Elephant.
the lead out produced the 180 ft of mono all day with a hits 10 to 15 to 1 on the mono.
the mouths of the fish must be pretty soft as they were very hard to get hooked up and then to the boat.
I had 4 in the boat with 4 lost by the boat by 9:30, I was beginning to think I had fallen astray to my net trainers fortune of not being able to complete the task. At about that time the ravenous bite seemed to slooooww waaay doooowwwnnnn... the lead continued to get a nibble all day with an occasional hit on the mono.
I noticed a continual "fish" picture in 80 to 90ft of water at 40 to 60ft, again in 180 +/- their seemed to be a line of fish at about 100 to 120 ft. I am not educated enough to know if that was fish or just something in the thermocline???
when the bite slowed down I put on a downrigger and went down to 60 ft. I drug that around for an hour or so, first time I had tired to use one, I got into 50 ft of water and started bouncing it around. I was able to get it up in time with no damage. when I gave up on that process I found a small walleye on the end of the line. I have know idea how long I had been dragging him around but he was plenty tired.
I finally got the 5th trout into the boat about 1:30 and headed home..
it was a very pretty, very relaxing day.


Two Brothers #1
10/7/2014 7:55:00 AM
Gary-- glad you were able get out and get your boat tested, wish I would of been there with you, next time give me a call. How did the motor run and idle etc., any leaks on the boat? Ket me know how it went. Your fish report sounds like you had a fairly good day and a busy one with all the hits and rebaiting. Terry is in Mexico this week should be home this comming Monday, so we witt be hitting our yearly fall spot for the BIG ONES, hope the bite is on and its not to late. Stay in touch and when you get the itch give me a call. Ron.
10/7/2014 7:55:00 PM
I was wondering about the fall "SPOT". I was hoping to make it there this year. every thing seems to be running a few weeks behind this year, with the warmer than usual weather. I'll give you a call some time this week. it will be a week or so before I can take a mental health day.
10/7/2014 10:03:00 PM
I've had that knot thing happen a time or two myself. Glad to hear you got to finish your limit with a bonus little walleye. Those walleye are sometimes hard to feel on a bottom bouncer so I imagine not even seeing a difference with your downrigger. I'm sure it was beautiful weather to be out on Roosevelt. Thanks for the report.
Two Brothers Fishing
10/13/2014 11:07:00 AM
Hola Senior Gary, just got back from Mexico and saw your report. Sounds like you had a very nice day on the water. Nice to here your boat worked good after the rebuild. I am surprised you only had 2 more of your favorite lures, since you take so many tackle boxes with you on your outings.(hahahaha). Any way nice report. Ron and I will go to our fall Hot Spot pretty soon to catch the hogs we get there every year. Hope the time is right with the weather being a little different this year. Get ahold of Ron and maybe we will all get together for a trip. Good fishing , Terry
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709