1/12/2015 9:51:00 AM
1/12/2015 10:55:00 AMSometimes, if I am confident that fish are seeing my lure but not biting (and it isn't on the downrigger), I will hold the rod and give it a pop or two forward, and then follow it back on a tight line, varying from one pop up to three. Most of the time, the bite comes as I am pausing the lure, following it back on a semi-taut line. While this is a classic brown trout technique, I have had good success triggering rainbows, kokanee, smallmouth bass, walleye and atlantic salmon with the "pop-pop; pause" cadence. While I haven't fished Roosevelt this way, it might work. The drawback is being out in the elements, holding the rod, it gets a little chilly.

1/12/2015 1:14:00 PM
1/12/2015 8:13:00 PMWidebear: I watched another boat that was going into the little bay/inlet across and a little up river from Sterling Point. He would go in and then come out tight to the bank and was getting consistent action, so I went to the next "bay" down just past where all the rocks stick out that have the marker on them and tried to duplicate. We picked up 5 fish within an hour but then nothing, had a couple more bites but nothing stuck.

1/12/2015 8:19:00 PM
1/12/2015 8:24:00 PM