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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



36° - 40°
Trolling W/Downriggers
Mostly Sunny
Under 40°

Had a chance to get and do some more Kokanee fishing with my son Amos on Roosevelt on Sunday and Monday, Sunday morning bright and early launched Keller Ferry and headed up river, lines in water at 7:30 first chrome bright in the boat 10 minutes later 19" right on the surface as my son was letting out his line, "DAD" he hit it as I" was letting out my line", didn't even have a chance to get it on downrigger, 10 minutes later another 18" in boat on 5 colors leaded line dodger and hand tied orange fly, sauce, maggots, and corn. Needless to say we were done fishing by 9 and headed for camp. Monday bright and early on water at 7, "Nobody else in parking lot" at Keller, lines in water at 7:30, first fish came at 8 and boyhowdy what a fish, it hit just as I let out 2 colors of leaded and put it in pole holder, then it went airborne and took drag, 19" in the boat, then nothing for 1hr and then another on 5 colors of leaded orange fly baited and sauce. About 9:30 son jumps up and pulls in another Kokanee on downrigger at 15ft, 19" Chrome Bright. We got our last fish 10 minutes later done by 10 and headed for home, These Kokanee are truly amazing fish, Hope you enjoy the pictures!! Tight Lines and Keep Reelin"


3/8/2016 7:18:00 PM
Boy Howdy do I enjoy the pictures. You guys are killing me with all these good reports and I can't get down there for over a week. You mentioned camp, do you stay at the campground by the launch. I need to look into bring my trailer down for a few day when I can get off, the 2 hour drive back to the Spokane valley makes for a long day.
Stay after them! It's the right thing to do.
3/8/2016 8:42:00 PM
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709