9/25/2016 10:11:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
This is a report for the afternoon of Tuesday 9/20, all day Wednesday 9/21 and Thursday 9/22, and the morning of Friday 9/23. Two guys & four rods, fishing the area from Ringold up through the Powerline hole just above the wooden powerline next to the old Hanford town site. Our fishing technique was purely backtrolling plugs (Kwikfish and other brands of flat fish), with a tuna wrap.
Tuesday we got on the water about 2:30pm and fished until about 6:30, and only got one, a 13 pounder. Had a couple other take downs that didn't stick.
Wednesday was a good day, we got five, incliuding the pictured hog that ran 30.5lbs on the scale at the butcher shop in Pasco later.
Thursday was epic, we limited with 6 in the boat at about 4:00.
Friday we got off the water about 1:00 with three in the box. One of those three was a 23 pounder, good sized fish that put up a great 45 minute fight.
Although a lot of the fish had some red showing, they all cut really nice and orange. The take from Tuesday night through Thursday (12 fish) ended up as 110lbs of filets, see the pic of the stuffed 120qt cooler.
Can't wait to go back. We'll be out there every week until the fat lady sings. You guys can have the weekends and the bumper boats, us retired guys will fish during the week. Look for the white Larson with the twin mercs and Idaho license and say hello.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service