9/29/2016 8:19:00 PM
9/29/2016 9:37:00 PM
Two Brothers #1
9/29/2016 11:10:00 PM
9/30/2016 7:08:00 AM
9/30/2016 11:37:00 AMDave - Was good to get out. Your Kekeda flies produced right off the bat. Had to laugh at my buddy, he started with a plain muddler, but watched me put 4 in the cooler before he changed out to a similar fly. I'd have preferred a windier day with overcast, but who can complain when the fish are biting on a day like that. We even saw two separate groups of bighorn sheep. :-)
Two Brothers #1 - Good to see your reply, hope to see you out there someday.
Lambojac - Life must be good with a loaner boat, best time of the year now through late winter so you should have plenty of opportunity.
Good fishing to all. :-)

9/30/2016 2:04:00 PMflies - bite was on when we started trolling just below the bridge at about 7:15 and it lasted until about 9:00 - from then on it was a
hit and/or hook up about every 30-45 minutes - wife was pretty frustrated having brought three almost to the boat and they flipped
off (I think lips are pretty soft on the new crop) - on the next one she exclaimed this one won't get away and she set the hook so hard
she could have pulled off the jaw on a great white - needless to say that was as far as that fish got. Orange was the color for sure.
When cleaning they we not very fat and stomachs were empty - probably only a few days out of the pens. Shared a couple of filet's with
my neighbors and a good dinner for us last night. I agree we're still a couple or more weeks away from the cooler temps, but it was
nice out until they started the burn in the campground - NE wind brought the smoke straight to us so headed in. Our troll speed was
1.6-2.2 - tried a small rapala minnow and the hits were really hard, but never got one beyond 1/2way to the boat. Will be watching the
WX for another try again next week. See y'all out there some where.

9/30/2016 5:09:00 PMWondered what the smoke was all about as we rounded the bend near Lincoln. Can't believe they actually had a scheduled burn with the dry conditions we still have. Good news is it was scheduled rather than wildfire.
We will be back next weekend so if you're downstream from Ft. Spokane you might find me. White sided Hewescraft with a pair of Mercs on the back and probably 2 or 3 anglers on board. If you see the Hewescraft owner's forum URL (www dot etc) on the side, that will be us. :-)

9/30/2016 7:30:00 PM
9/30/2016 10:23:00 PM
10/2/2016 6:39:00 AMBob I don't really know when the kokanee will start grouping up again. That's one fishery I still don't have a good working knowledge on. If last year can be used as an indicator, then hopefully in Feb and Mar the koke action should start picking up. I know it's time to go when I start reading good reports here.

10/3/2016 6:51:00 PM