9/30/2016 7:17:00 PMYour reports got me my first roosevelt koke this year, and kept me catching them tell summer so I feel like I owe you... So ill give you my best,
I dont know if it will help but I have been having good luck fishing superbaits on the bottom, and targeting the suspended fish with the cut plugs. I almost always fish 4 rods, one of each (cut plug or standard super bait) on the bottom and one of each suspended. and nothing has fished like the seahawk cut plug after the suspended fish, downstream at 3mph 4 ft behind the UV green protroll with fin ( i suspect 10oz of and 50-60 ft of line at this speed has be in the upper 20's for depth, when the water is moving at off speeds, I target a speed that puts the 1 per second "pulse" in my rod.
I've also heard that fishing a 1 1/2" or 2" colored spinner behind flashers has been good for those who try it.
I too have been grinding my days rather than changing spots this year. Last year garlic seemed like the hot scent, this year i haven't had a bump on it..
I hope I gave you some helpful info but i doubt I know anything you dont.... Good luck out there!

10/2/2016 10:16:00 AMTemporary Columbia closures planned for Sept. 28-29, Oct. 3-4
A portion of the Columbia River above Vernita Bridge will be temporarily closed to boating traffic Sept. 28-29 and Oct. 3-4 while a contractor for Grant County PUD performs maintenance to power lines that cross over the river.
The Grant County Sheriff’s Office river patrol will be enforcing the closure of about a 400-yard corridor of the river 2.5 miles upstream from the Vernita Bridge. The closures are expected to last 30-60 minutes at a time, between the hours of 10 a.m.-5 p.m., while the work is taking place.
During the closures, Grant County Sheriff’s Office watercraft will have their emergency lights on and will be approaching boats before they enter the closed area.