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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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19 - Spokane Confluence to Lake Roosevelt North End Report



Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout

After an awesome Thanksgiving dinner, the girlfriend and I decided that we'd spend the day after Thanksgiving fishing on Lake Roosevelt.

Got out to our pull-off spot between Daisy and Gifford at about 9am. By 12:30 we had caught 9 Rainbows. We could see a wall of rain headed our way so we decided that the one fish to fill our limits wasn't worth getting soaking wet over. The average size was about 16" but the 2 bigger ones were around 18". A worm with a small orange corky bobber seemed to deliver the best and bigger results. Garlic powerbait was also getting some hits but I missed 3 bites with the powerbait. The trout seemed to bite harder on the worm.

Couldn't have asked for a better day! Love this time of year for fishing Roosevelt.


11/25/2016 7:12:00 PM
Thanks for the report. Sure beats going to the mall!
11/25/2016 8:05:00 PM
is shore fishing on roosevelt always good? headed that way this december
11/26/2016 6:32:00 AM
Great report Lambo and what nice fish too!

Public Service Announcement - Rules for Roosevelt are changing sometime in December and ALL native trout (kokanee excluded) with an intact adipose fin will have to be released. Please see the news release here - http://wdfw.wa.gov/news/oct0716a/
11/26/2016 3:31:00 PM
It sure does beat going to the mall. I hate holiday shopping around thanksgiving.

I've always had decent success shore fishing during the winter. However, once they start dropping the water after December it seems to get progressively worse. I still try to fish every weekend regardless but November through December seems to be the best.

Thanks for the PSA as well. It's definitely easier to abide by the laws when we keep each other informed.
11/27/2016 7:29:00 AM
I think more people will see the PSA I'm adding to reports than anywhere else and that's why I'm doing it. I was not aware of the FWC decision until a fellow angler mentioned it to me. I'm afraid a lot of people won't hear of the change and end up learning the hard way. Pass the word so others know. :-)
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709