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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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03 - Lower Monument Dam to Little Goose Dam Report


All Day

Tried fishing the Snake River for walleye primarily but also was going for catfish and whatever else may bite. We tried fishing the bluffs area at the Palouse River at first but didn't get a bite and the wind was being a pain so we moved on. We did this primarily because we forgot to bring the trolling battery in to charge the night before after being at Potholes so we did that while we charged the battery at the Lyon's Ferry Marina. We then went and fished for catfish and ended up catching 4 blues and I had one that felt larger that snapped my line when it got close to coming in, never did see it. After that we went to pick up our trolling motor and motored over to the mouth of the Tucannon River and trolled in front of the river for walleye. We didn't catch any walleye but I ended up catching some smallmouth on a crankbait and my dad caught a couple nice sized perch and a bluegill that was about 9". I did see some fish that were being chased or feeding in a school around the weeds, probably some crappie but didn't get the chance to try fishing for them while they were surfacing. Did see a nice sized steelhead jump while still fishing for 20 minutes or so. Went back to the spot where we were catching the blues and my dad ended up catching 1 more catfish before we got off the water and got some prime rib dinner at Lyon's Ferry to eat!


8/24/2010 8:38:00 PM
How big were the blues?
8/24/2010 9:27:00 PM
Caught 1 about 1 lbs. The rest were from 3-5lbs. Kind of surprised we didn't get any channels.
The Jigmiester
8/25/2010 5:56:00 PM
Jball. What were you using for bait on the blues?
8/25/2010 7:04:00 PM
Just used some nightcrawlers tossing them out into the deep hole with an ounce weight.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709