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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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06 - Interstate Bridge to Hells Canyon Dam Report




What a day, the sun is shining, ambient temp. is close to 50*, not a breath of wind, and the Snake River looks so ever inviting. Barb has informed me that she will not be going fishing with me today, due to arrival of holiday guests tomorrow, then informs me to feel free to go after certain chores are done. With that in mind I get my assigned duties done and arrive at the Couse Creek launch at about 1:30pm.

Get the boat launched, point the bow upriver and head for a nice drift about six miles away. This is a short drift that I have not fished in some time, I put the rubber gloves on, apply the "Super" scent to the belly of the plug, run the line out sixty feet, put the rod in the holder, pour a coffee while starting the slow backtroll. I just know that the strike is going to happen any second, well the thirty miinute drift is completed without a nudge, so I pull the line in and head for another drift not far away.

This particular drift has been very productive lately, is a long drift that takes about forty five minutas to complete, it starts in about 12' of water, then gradually shallows up to about 6'. I have a Id. two pole permit and am using two rods. About twenty five minutes into the drift the rod near shore quits throbbing from the plug, it is running in about 4' of water and there is grass on the bottom, I think the plug is probably hung up and start to pull the line in, well the line is pointed toward the front of the boat, when I take the slack out, I feel a heavy throb and I'm into a nice Steelhead. She strips out some line then heads for the center of the river taking the line under the boat, I quickly reach down and shut off the trolling motor to avoid getting the line in the prop. She came out of the water one time, put up a good fight before I slid the net under her. I pulled into a near by sandbar, took a quick picture, filled out the steelhead card, changed out the leader, had a sip of coffee and headed back to the first drift.

Went through the same routine again, was beginning to think the drift would be a blank, then a big shiny Steelhead comes boiling out of the water, I was not watching the rod when it hit, when I looked over at the rod it was bent double and throbbing violently, I grab the rod just as the fish makes another leap out of the water. I turn the boat and guide it onto a sandbar, the TR-1 Autopilot keeps the boat pushed against shore while I play the fish. This Steelhead really put up a gallant fight, I finally brought her to the net, she is about ten pounds, and a wild one, I snap a picture of her in the net. as you can see, she is a gorgeous fish, I thanked her for the fun and watched her swim away.

Completed one more pass with one take down, but no more fish, It is starting to get pretty dim in the canyon, and I don't have Barb to load the boat onto the trailer, so I decide to pack it in. It was so beautiful in the canyon today that it is hard to describe, just wish my fishing partner would have been here. "Happy Holidays to all"


11/25/2011 8:43:00 AM
Hey Ken, may I ask what your scent of choice is? Thanks for another superb report.
11/26/2011 10:38:00 AM
Hi afk, I mix a variety of scents together, and have to laugh at the things we do to catch, or try to catch these Steelhead. Anyway here is the basic formula I use, and it's application. I use 50% Pro-Cure, then add equal amounts of Smelly Jelly in different scents, sometimes I put in a little Slamola Powder, and sometimes Anise scent, don't think I have ever done two batches the same, but that is the basic formula. When I apply it to the plug, it only goes on the underside of the bill, and on the under belly in front of the rear hook, the rear hook is also coated, the top of the plug is never coated with anything, so all the colors and reflection are shown. I also wash the plugs with Lemon Joy, and use rubber gloves. Good luck, Ken
12/4/2011 9:48:00 AM
Ken, I can sense your joy of place and company as you fish in your dialogs. So, with some anxiety I am thinking about re-visiting that part of the world to fish. Anxiety because I know all to much how a "place" can change when people don't respect it. With that said and asking you to accept my sincere interest in places and their overall effect on the experience, could you give me some pointers on where to launch and some clues on depth, size plug etc. I will be running a prop on a 19 ft. Lund bringing my newly retired friend from the Tri Cites.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709