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06 - Interstate Bridge to Hells Canyon Dam Report




Barb said she would go out fishing with me if we could go later, in her language that means afternoon, her first priority at this time is Christmas, even with a river full of Steelhead. It will be a short trip, there is overcast and it will be almost dark in Hell's Canyon ot 4:00pm.

We launch the boat at the gravel launch just above Buffalo Eddy at 1:30pm, then put the boat on plane and head upriver towards Billy Creek. There are numerous good drifts between Buffalo Eddy and Billy Creek, our plan is to fish two drifts, which is about all we have time for before it gets dark.

We get to the first drift, apply scent to the plugs, let out sixty feet of line, and start a slow backtroll. This drift almost always produces a Steelhead, it starts in about seven feet of water, then goes to twelve feet a short distance, then shallows up again. About half way through the drift there is a ten foot hole that is a really good holding spot. We are about thirty minutes into the drift, have not had a bump, we are just getting into that ten foot hole when my rod slams down, I yell "Got One", take the rod out of the holder as the Steelhead comes completly out of the water, Barb ask if it is still on, and I say it is. We are close to shore so I angle the boat toward the center of the river, the fish did not do any more acrobatics, but put up a good fight, it was a hatchery buck that weighed about six pounds.

We then head for the second drift, there is about enough time left for one pass. On this drift I just watch the fishfinder, and try to keep the boat in eight feet of water, which is about where the current seam is. We are more than half way through the drift, "Fish On" comes from Barb, her rod is bent double, then goes slack, she picks the rod from the holder. Not sure wheather she has a fish or not, she quickly reels in the slack line, the fish is still on, it comes out of the water twice near the boat, then strips line out headed downstream, she works the Steelhead back near the boat, it makes several more short runs, then turns on it's side and I net it, beautiful fish.

We beach the boat on a nearby sandbar, take a picture, and pour a cup of coffee. We sat there for a while talking about how lucky we are to be doing this, the last hour in the canyon is so beautiful, water is like glass, dead quiet, dark canyon walls with bright sky above. Our little English Setter "Happy" tells us in dog language that it is time to head for home. "Happy Holidays" to all.


12/4/2011 8:47:00 PM
Happy Holidays to the two of you also! Great report & pics as always. Thanks again. Andy
Jerry H
12/5/2011 5:47:00 PM
Happy Holidays to you and Barb! I read your reports to my wife. It will be a few years before we are able to get out as often as we would like on Puget Sound but your reports give us an idea of what to look forward to..........sharing time with your best friend. Again Happy Holidays!!
12/5/2011 10:02:00 PM
We were fishing at Lower Granite Dam (Wawawai area), then moved over to "The Confulance", moved south on the Snake to Asotin area. Fished two days and not a bump, hit, nibble or bobber down. Threw everything we had at them, back trolled, we tried it all - short of putting on a wet suit and going in after them. We were there 2 days, but after talking to alot of other folks there, that seemed to the story every where. But I always enjoy reading your posts, congrats on 2 more very nice A runs.
12/6/2011 5:55:00 PM
Happy Holidays back to you guys. Jerry H you will never find a better fishing partner than your wife, guaranteed.
12/6/2011 6:27:00 PM
To allboutfishin, So sorry you did not have any hook ups, I don't fish the areas you were fishing, there is a lot of open water, and in my opinion the fish are more spread out. I fish mostly from the Couse Creek launch to Heller Bar, the river is more narrow, there are many good drifts, right now I don't think you could fish this area all day without catching a couple of Steelhead. However it is always tough to fish a place you are not familiar with. There are a lot of fish in the river, better luck next time.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709