11/2/2016 9:47:00 PMCheers,
Ucluelet Charters
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Leaving driveway (8/17), noticed oil coming from kicker drain plug (as I was leaving for week long trip)...called around; Cascade Marine in Mt Vernon had one in stock (whew)..picked it up as we headed north. Border was 75 min wait so off to Lynden crossing...missed the 3:15 Tswassen reservation check in by 2 min..next boat at 8:15..Don't think so. Off through downtown Vancouver pulling boat to Horseshoe Bay hoping to make the 5:20 ferry. A maze to get through downtown Vancouver at 4pm on a Wednesday afternoon (sights were good as it was nice & hot out & lots of females crowding the sidewalks--not that I was looking!!)...ferry 96% full when we arrived but caught the 5:20! Kicker was now hemoragging oil; put a drain pan under it. Got on ferry & realized I left the pan in the waiting line--oh well. Finally make it to Port Alberni--drained the oil..installed new oil plug (and oil) & life was good. Up early Thursday..Canadian license/bait (anchovy) at Gone Fishin (nice new digs). Launch by 9am--beautiful trip up the inlet. Surprise at Seabeam..upgraded to Atgo trailer...darn nice digs for the price..comfortable bunks/kitchen/table...very nice. Hotter than blazes first 3 days--100 in camp! Fished with buddy Mike & dad Richard (81yrs). Pounded hard for 3 days at Whittlestone/Kirkby/Fleming & Ellis Island..managed our 12 king limit to 26lbs. The sound was loaded with coho--they were there for the taking in Sanford pass so we did that the last morning--got 6 nice fat healthy coho (8-14lbs)....amazing for this time of the year. Next group (Aaron & Chris) came in Sunday (first group went home)...anxious to fish so out to Whittlestone for the 3pm high slack...windy & choppy so decided to troll down channel back to Bamfield. About 30 min's into it, downrigger balls hang up on 29' ghost pinnacle in the middle of the channel..panic ensued; threw kicker in reverse, catch let go, kicker slammed up & bam, broken tiller! Not a good thing. Still made it work by steering with the big motor or just using the big motor--wounded but not down! Got some intel at the gas dock the springs were at Danvers (to Poett Nook)...Next day was epic..some take downs early (on the ebb)..once the flood started, it was game on (at Danvers). 6 hours of pretty much constant action ensued & we had our 6 king limit with some fat coho mixed in...the next two days were pretty much the same but not quite as epic on the flood. Picked through the crop until we found some fatties. Ended the trip south of Beale..found a great bottom fish hole & proceeded to load up on ling/sea bass/red snapper....feasted on fresh fried white fish that night--great way to end the trip. Ride home was uneventful. The salmon is superior flavor. No place like Bamfield when the kings are in!
Oh, heavily brined anchovy (5.5") in green glow/chartreuse helmet with #1 treble/#3/0 stinger 42' was the magic depth this year (in 60-80 ft on the rocks!). Green/glow flashers (as always for me)--Aaron has success with the copper/silver flasher (don't think it really matters!)
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service