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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Cocolalla Lake Report
Bonner County, ID



66° - 70°
Brook Trout
61° - 65°

My dad and I went out to give the lake a try and ended up having a really great day. We got out there early in the morning and cruised around the lake for about an hour checking out the depth and fish habitat along the shores. Once we finally dropped some gear in the water on the south end of the lake we tried fishing for Bass and had some luck but with only one keeper the rest were released to be caught another day once they had grown up a little. After playing with the Bass and Perch for about 2 hours we decided to go to the north end of the lake and top water troll the west shore back to the south end for Brown trout and Brook trout. We had our lures out at 25 "pulls" on the inside rod and 30 "pulls" on the outside rod. About halfway down the lake is a sandy lake bottom and that is where we hooked into our first big fish of the day on the inside rod about a 20" brown was hooked and ready to be cooked but right as we got it to the boat it turned and spit out the hook. Happens to the best of us right? Well we got right back to it. We knew from our experience with browns where there is one big brown there will be more somewhere. We trolled the rest of the way down the lake without another nibble until we got close to the end of the lake. The inside rod got hit hard. As I fought to bring in the great fighting fish on the end of my line the weather picked up and now we were fighting white caps, wind and rain that seemed to come out of nowhere. While my dad drove the boat to keep it off the shore I brought in the fish when it got to the boat I was surprised to see one of the most beautiful Brook trout I have ever seen, It was 20" and full of color. It went in the cooler of course. Overall it was a great day on a beautiful lake with my dad doing what we had been doing together my whole life. I would highly recommend this lake and it just goes to show that when on a new lake just go with what you know and give it a shot because even if you don't catch fish a day on the lake is better than a day at work. The shores of this lake can be tricky to navigate due to lots of big rocks just off the shore so just pay attention and you wont ruin a prop or worse. Also the water is very shallow at the boat ramp so be careful coming and going, don't ruin a prop like we did.

That's all for this edition of Wiser family adventures.
Happy fishing,
Andrew Wiser
Chris Wiser


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709