4/26/2017 12:25:49 PM
4/27/2017 7:58:05 AM
4/28/2017 11:37:08 AM
4/28/2017 3:12:30 PM
4/28/2017 8:08:58 PMGood questions. I will respond this way: Ask that question of the fella who just lost his job and needs to supply for his family until his circumstances change; or a young student grinding his way through college trying to get by on very little means; or the young, single mom trying to supply ends meet for her family; or, an elderly couple on fixed income, and on and on - it can be a matter of survival to them. Actually, it happens more than you might think. Those "stocked rainbows" can make, AND DO MAKE, all the difference for someone who actually needs the nutrition gained from their catch and not just a happy photo of fish cleaned and tossed in the freezer to be forgotten about - and for some they can be a bugger to catch, stocked or not... that's why we help. That's why our niche is "fishing for survival". There will be more vids showing many species of fish caught and preserved for a long-term food source... stay tuned.
To the latter point - let's hope it doesn't come to that... and I don't think it will. We will ban together as a community to survive the unthinkable, IMHO, and the only folks who would do something like that would have fallen on their swords long before it became an issue for a few boats gathering ends meet. NO ONE messes with a red-neck of any color, gender, nationality, religion or greed – we are as tough as they come :)