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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Goodwin Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



61° - 65°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Smallmouth Bass
56° - 60°

Dropped the son's vehicle at the shop for what was supposed to be a few hour check-up and we headed over to Goodwin to kill some time. On the water by about 9:00AM. Figuring that the SMB were getting close to spawn mode (or already there) we hit some of the shallower flats adjacent to rocky areas.

We managed to get a "bite" of sorts going for a 2 hour window and CPR'd about 1/2 dozen Smallies to 2 pounds and another 1/2 dozen good hits that didn't stick. There was one heavy fish that didn't make it to the boat.

I was dragging a hula grub near the rock piles, but my son hit the jackpot with a soft 'gill swimbait--they absolutely hated that thing! Turns out the vehicle wasn't ready until 3 PM so we had more time on the water than we thought we would. Most action was between 10A and 1P.

Wx sunny with either no wind, or just a slight breeze...very uncommon for this lake, but appreciated. Water temp hovering right at 60 degrees.


5/14/2017 10:14:59 PM
Can you/ would you, share any specifics you can about the lake itself? You mentioned the wind, is it usually windy? From which direction? What is the water clarity? I think I've heard it's pretty clear?
Thanks for any information you're willing to share. I'm fishing a tournament there next Saturday so, I'm trying to get prepared!
5/15/2017 7:03:00 AM
No problem...Goodwin is a N/S oriented lake and is just big enough to get wind from most any direction. On clear, sunny days it is often from the N, NE, NW. Storms from the S will result (of course) in the wind from the same direction. Early morning can be calmer than later when it starts to warm up, but that's pretty much standard anywhere. I don't have power poles, so have resorted dropping a short anchor line if there's a section of water I'd like to fish, but am drifting too fast.

Water clarity varies from crystal clear later in the summer, to cloudier right now. I think we could see the bottom about 6'-8' down last week. In other words, it may blow from any direction, at any speed and clarity might be 3' or 15' :-) Sorry I couldn't be of more help! Good luck at the tourney, let me know how you do...
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709