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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Clear Lake Report
Thurston County, WA



Rainbow Trout
Mostly Sunny
51° - 55°

I decided to take the boat out out to Clear lake this morning. I arrive at the lake at 9:30 am. There was one other boat on the entire lake on a Saturday. You can't be that. I just want to say if you have a boat and you want to put your friends or kids on some fish. You need to take a drive out to this little lake. The fishing is off the hook, and stupid easy. I like to pull a orange wedding ring style smile blade typically and it will work lights out for trout, but today I just decided to do a rainbow patterned crank bait and my nerka bugs behind a dodger which I typically use for Kokanee. I let the first line out about fifty feet and was still paying out line then felt a hit. I put the thumb on the spool and yep fish on the bug rod! I put the reel in gear and landed him. I got my line set in the rigger at 10 feet then picked up the rapala rod, and the downrigger goes off again. I finally get both rods in the water, downrigger goes off again, then topline rod goes off. It when this way for the next 35 minutes. I had 6 doubles which is an all time record for double hook ups on my boat. I was releasing fish as I was not using bait. I finally decided to keep my 5 fish limit. I was off the lake in about 45 to 50 minutes of fishing and I believe I hooked up about 17 times in that time frame. Fish are 9-14 inches. Hope you see more people out of the water enjoying the outdoors!

P.S. I attached the picture of my rapala style crankbait so you can see the teeth marks left by the trout they were just tearing it up!


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709