5/16/2017 11:29:45 AM
Walleye Chief
5/16/2017 11:45:35 AM
5/16/2017 5:53:19 PM
Walleye Chief
5/16/2017 7:16:04 PM
5/17/2017 6:03:40 AM
5/17/2017 12:36:29 PM
Walleye Chief
5/17/2017 12:54:27 PMROOSEVELT LAKE (Columbia River
from Grand Coulee Dam to U.S.-
Canadian border) including Hawk
Creek downstream of the falls at the
Hawk Creek Campground, the Spokane
arm downstream of SR 25 Bridge, and
Kettle arm downstream of Barstow
• see also: Hawk Creek, Kettle River,
Spokane River, and Roosevelt Lake
• for San Poil Arm of Lake Roosevelt,
see San Poil River, page 67
• see DOH Fish Consumption
Advisories, page 16
Check the WDFW website wdfw.wa.gov or call (360) 902-2700 in Sept. 2016 for information on
possible regulation changes being considered by the Fish and Wildlife Commission.
CLOSED WATERS - Apr. 1-Friday before Memorial Day: Kettle arm upstream to Barstow Bridge.
CLOSED WATERS - Mar. 1-Friday before Memorial Day: Little Dalles power line crossing upstream 1.7 miles
to marked rock point.
CLOSED WATERS - Mar. 1-Friday before Memorial Day: Northport power line crossing to most upstream
point of Steamboat Rock.
KOKANEE Year-round No min. size. Daily limit 6. No more than 2 with intact adipose fins.
Other TROUT Year-round No min. size. Daily limit 5. Up to 2 over 20" may be retained.
KOKANEE not included in TROUT daily limit.
CARP Year-round Statewide min. size/daily limit. Unlawful to fish for CARP with bow and
WALLEYE Year-round No size restriction. Daily limit 16.
Other Game Fish Year-round Statewide min. size/daily limit.
SALMON Year-round Landlocked SALMON rules apply.

5/17/2017 4:05:00 PMThanks for your response and I have no idea why my original post continues to repeat. Hope I can get a few of those critters.
Thanks again..

Walleye Chief
5/17/2017 4:21:58 PM
5/17/2017 7:49:13 PM"Adopted by WDFW Commission effective as of 12/3/16
Page 92 Rosevelt Lake (Lake Roosevelt) (Other TROUT rules updated. All other species rules still apply). from Grand Coulee Dam to the Little Dalles power line crossing Other TROUT – Year-round: No min. size. Daily limit 5 Up to 2 over 20” may be retained adipose fin-clipped TROUT only. KOKANEE not included in TROUT daily limit. From the Little Dalles power line crossing to the Canadian Border Other TROUT – No min. size. Min. size 18”. Daily limit 5. Up to 2 over 20” may be retained Daily limit 2. KOKANEE not included in TROUT daily limit. Spokane Arm of Lake Roosevelt downstream of SR 25 Other TROUT - Year round: No min. size. Daily limit 5 Up to 2 over 20” may be retained adipose fin-clipped TROUT only. KOKANEE not included in TROUT daily limit."
No native trout (intact adipose fin) retention allowed below Little Dalles powerline crossing. Also, the SanPoil is only open June 1 - Jan 31. ;-)

5/18/2017 6:15:19 AMThanks for the complete conversation on this thread. Good luck, but please leave a few for me at Hunters. :)