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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



I guess this is a fishing report, not a catching report. I can report only where they are not - trolled about six hours from Whitestone
down river to the San Poil, both sides and some in the middle. It wasn't a total waste of time though as we, wife and I, did pick up
a few walleye - all males, all spawned out, skinny as a rail and very aggressive with very empty stomachs - they did hit the Kakeda
orange fly tipped with a worm piece. We also had rods with apex, OG's, worm harness with all types and colors of blades. Not even
a hit from a trout or Koke. Water temp was a cool 47deg and a constant debris field though out the whole troll - a small wind/rain
cell coming back to 7 bays made for a longer lumpy trip home. Varied the troll speed from 1.1 to 1.9 - kept 4 rods in the water at all times,
each with a different lure and varied the depth from about 30' to 7-8' - tried everything we could think of and nothing. There were five other
boats doing the same thing we were - talked to a couple of them and all with the same results. Water clarity was pretty good - could
see the lures down to about 7-8', but the garbage on top was the pits. Hope things improve, but wouldn't bet a lot on it happening.
With the spring salmon season a bust, sockeye probably the same too and no Kokes - looks like costco or fred meyer for lean
red fish meat this year. Each rod also was different - one with a sliding sinker, one with lead core, one with 1 oz banana sinker
and one with a sliding 1 oz cannon ball - working on a new plan for next week, but the lack of info and reports make me think
we should try Oregon, Alaska, Canada..................to be continued, persistence is omnipotent.


Fish Dawg
5/19/2017 5:18:07 PM
Thanks for the report. Sorry you did not have more success finding some biters among the kokanee and trout.

Looking for a few more reports of success to make it worth the long trip over from the west side.

Good luck and tight lines out there!
5/19/2017 8:44:40 PM
Thanks for the report. We went out the 15th and I was hoping it was a fluke, your report looks like what ours would have looked like. What a difference a year makes .
5/19/2017 9:55:50 PM
Thanks for using the orange Kekeda out there. I'm glad to see it could at least pick up a few walleye for you. Hopefully it can get you a few Kokes and trout next time too. Take care, Dave
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709