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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Cedar River Report
King County, WA



Rainbow Trout

I parked by the stadium in Renton, walked the bank for a while and didn't see anything or get any hits. As I moved down stream, toward the lake, I found the honey hole. 5 casts. 5 rainbows. Not one less then 15". Largest was 24" . I love opening day on the Cedar. C&R only.


6/5/2017 8:57:35 PM
Wow, nice catch! You've got me motivated to get my license, as I've been lazy. I've fished right there before, but caught nothing that size, just little ones.
6/6/2017 2:07:38 AM
Nice catch, but be a responsible fisherman and keep the fish in the water and not the grass. That is most likely a dead fish now. It is nice to know that fish like this can be found minutes from the big city.
6/6/2017 8:09:00 AM
Beautiful fish, but must agree with billy, please keep the fish in the water and not on the grass. That fish is most likely dead now, which defeats the purpose of catch and release.

6/6/2017 8:10:44 AM
A good video on proper catch and release techniques. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo2PT_bY6fc
6/6/2017 3:12:07 PM
Very nice fish and report....looks like Roostertails....if so, try single Siwash hooks. You can order them that way straight from YBC
6/6/2017 8:36:44 PM
Don't feel too bad rfee if the fish didn't make it. A history lesson of the river reveals that it was closed for decades (?) from any fishing at all. Fisheries folks later figured out that the native fish were getting too many of the young salmon. The catch and release format was instigated to create a certain but low kill rate.
6/7/2017 11:25:47 PM
Hi rfee do you remember if the sweet spot was between the stadium and the park or between the park and the lake? Went fishing there today but no luck.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709