Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Day 2- Woke up at 2:30 am to the smell of coffee as Craig had been up at 2 am getting everything ready so filled my thermos with coffee and down the hill we went again to pick up Kyle at 3:15! We got to the launch by 4 but were surprised to see how much higher the water level was which was not a good thing as that meant a lot more debris would be in the water. We carefully navigated the water in the dark and got to our spot but were surprised to see a boat anchored right where we were fishing! Darn looks like they had spent the night so nothing we really could have done so reluctantly moved to a spot a bit lower down the river and found a spot between some bank anglers so we would be in their way.
Got the rods out and as soon as it started getting light my rod does a couple ticks and then buries into the water and it's fish on! Another hatchery fish and smaller in size then yesterday's 2 but still about 7 lbs so off it went into the ice chest. Pretty soon a friend of Kyle's showed up and anchored below us after checking in~ soon someone down on the bank get's a fish and then Kyle's friend is on and after a few minutes see him toss the anchor rope and the battle is on! We watch him take it downstream and finally see it in the net and it's a hawg. But we notice he never brings it into the boat realizing he has a native fish so releases it back into the wild!
Soon my rod goes down again and now the guys are getting tired of this routine haha! Talk about having the hot rod! This baby is bigger then the first so again plays the boat side shuffle but soon get it in the net and it's another gorgeous summer run king! Now I am limited again as far as adults are concerned so sit back hoping to get some action on my video camera. Kyle's friend calls as the tide keeps running out and asks if he can anchor next to us so of course we say heck yea!
Allan anchors up on the outside of us and that begins an hour of stories and laughter that gets us through the slow time of the tide as it was just ripping by 10am! Around 11 one of Allan's rod starts peeling line and he's got another monster on so throws anchor and away he goes! This fish gets up on the surface and then runs upstream which was cool to see! After about a fifteen minute battle we see him net it way down stream but again, don't see the net come into the boat so yes another native fish! Guess I can feel fortunate to have landed all hatchery fish so far.
The tide starts to finally ebb so we move onto the outside of Allan but the last part was real slow and yesterdays cooling breeze was not present so got pretty darn hot out there! Allan had a cool set up with a beach umbrella on his boat which caused some more back and forth bantering! Finally by 2 pm called it a day headed back to the launch so all in all a great weekend of fun, fishing and friendship with great weather to boot so feel blessed to have been able to spend the time down here!
See you on the water!
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service